2/27/15 3:00 p.m.
Coles Notes: Woman in Utah is suing HERSELF for crashing a truck and killing the passenger, her husband!
Lower court threw it out and then an appeals court reinstated it!
Ehh, I think you'll agree that insurance in Ontario for a young driver is insane. The cheapest I can insure my G-body for is $220 a month! Don't even get me started on trying to insure something vaguely sporty.
It's simple fraud. She should be jailed. The end.
2/27/15 3:21 p.m.
1988RedT2 wrote:
It's simple fraud. She should be jailed. The end.
Unfortunately, it is not so cut and dry to call it simple fraud. Fraud? Probably. I'd call it so. But definitely not simple.
I can't believe a lawyer took the case though. And I'm even more astounded that the courts let it back in.
2/27/15 4:07 p.m.
mtn wrote:
1988RedT2 wrote:
It's simple fraud. She should be jailed. The end.
Unfortunately, it is not so cut and dry to call it simple fraud. Fraud? Probably. I'd call it so. But definitely not simple.
I can't believe a lawyer took the case though. And I'm even more astounded that the courts let it back in.
You see, that is the sad thing about my view on life...I am not at all surprised. Not one bit. The idiot crook is not the woman, its the lawyers and judges that have evolved from symbiotic to parasitic.
When I moved to the US, my credit history (excellent) didn't follow me but my driving record (2 tickets, no accidents) did. Now, we know that no credit history is an indicator of a psychotic driver. At least, the insurance companies think so.
My car insurance bill was something like 30% of my take-home income for a year or two. Ouch.
As for this Utard, that's just a waste of everyone's time.
In reply to Keith Tanner:
I ran into the same nonsense when I moved here. Try getting a mortgage with no credit history ,and then when I did my insurance company found the third ticket from Ontario (that I might just have forgotten to mention) and I got a nice letter telling me I had ten days to make other insurance arrangements.So, while I was procuring other car insurance I also changed home owners,too.
A few years back a guy sued himself because he slipped and broke his leg on the icy walk in front of his house. IIRC that was because his medical insurance paid for his injuries then turned around and sued his homeowner's insurance to get their $ back. The homeowner's would pay only if they were sued. Crazy.
There was also a guy who had his wife on the back of their motorcycle, a truck pulled out in front of them. He laid the bike over and tried to slide to safety, went under the trailer. It injured him severely, left him disabled and his wife died of her injuries after several days in the hospital. He sued the trucking company, their insurance company paid up. They then turned around and sued HIM for his wife's medical bills, claiming his 'reckless driving' led to her injuries. They eventually relented but it cost him a bundle in lawyer fees, the AMA started a fund to help him with his expenses.
G_Body_Man wrote:
Ehh, I think you'll agree that insurance in Ontario for a young driver is insane. The cheapest I can insure my G-body for is $220 a month! Don't even get me started on trying to insure something vaguely sporty.
You're right, and the truly ridiculous thing is that the most expensive component of your auto insurance is medical care - which we've already paid for through our taxes. I bet that 99% of the people of Ontario don't realize that we have what is primarily provincially run auto insurance, that's administered by the insurance companies, and it's main purpose is to subsidize the health care system.
Question: If I fall off my dirt bike and get hurt, who pays for the medical? It's already been paid for through our taxes. If I have a car accident, who pays? Your insurance company. Why? It's already been paid for through taxes.
1988RedT2 wrote:
It's simple fraud. She should be jailed. The end.
You'd be mortified if I told you the number of claims I've seen where parents "sue" kids, husbands "sue" wives, etc...just to get money from an accident they caused. All thoroughly encouraged by shady plaintiff attorneys and the shady quacks they send them to.
A friend of mine had an accident and the guy riding with her got to spend the night in a hospital. His first reaction was basically "excellent, I'm gonna get some money". Sheesh.