I can't figure it out or fix it, nor can I find good info on what might be wrong.
LG Volt running Andriod 4.4.2
My contacts list shows the various people with Google+ accounts and connections right there under accounts, just like it's supposed to.
Except for my wife. For her, while it got her picture, it doesn't list her Google+ account or connection. I can go through the steps to add her, and it ignores that. No matter what I've tried, I cannot get my phone to reflect her Google+.
So, what sort of tricks or advice do you sage experts have for me on this problem?
1/23/15 2:41 p.m.
remove her from the phone and add her through your google+/gmail contacts. odd problem, but it sounds like she is a phone contact rather than a cloud contact. I think there is also a merge function where you could merge phone/facebook/google contacts into one.
For me everyone I have an email under there contact that has a google+ automagically shows their info.
She didn't block you accidentally did she?
Don't think so, but perhaps accidentally. Or I might have accidentally. Google+ is not clear or easy to figure out, so I can't tell at the moment.
Hadn't thought of the erase and reinstall. I'll probably give that a try shortly.