That attitude used to puzzle me when I hung out on Dodge truck forums. Those guys would start wars over stuff like quarter mile times, who paid for whose burger at the last meet... and don't even get them started on guns. I equate those who fight on the internet with the folks who beat each other up at hockey and football games.
I own VWs, I used to frequent VWVortex.
Trust me when I say I feel your pain. That's why I stay here now.
I prefer automotive insanity over automotive asininity.
Come to think of it, I've been meaning to tell all of you that you are idiots who should not be allowed to breed.
neckromacr wrote: I own VWs, I used to frequent VWVortex. Trust me when I say I feel your pain. That's why I stay here now. I prefer automotive insanity over automotive asininity.
I can't tell you how many VW problems I'd love to resolve using the Vortex, if there weren't so many complete idiots there.
I avoid it like the plague.
In reply to SkinnyG:
I want to hug you! Thank you. And i believe those are old pics of when i had "ricey" wheels on it and icky silver mesh in the grilles and stuff. Thank you, though!
You'll find that no matter what you have, someone here will think it's cool, in fact most of us might.
There's guys here that race Daewoos,Yugos, evena Wartburg.
No matter what, the car may not be my style but I can sure appreciate the work and engineering that goes into it.
You should search for the homebuilt Fiero hybrid thread. Crazy, goofy and way cool.
I think a lot of it has to do with the general feeling that the majority of us here are problem solvers. We don't generally look at why something was done (or not done) but instead we look at how it can be done. That doesn't leave much room for judging other people as we're usually looking at what they did and if there is anything we can learn from that.
Trans_Maro wrote: There's guys here that race Daewoos,Yugos, evena Wartburg.
Guilty of 2 out of three :) Obviously I stopped caring what other people think a loooooong time ago ;)
In reply to EdenPrime:
I don't understand what those fools over at the Celica forums had to complain about. I just checked out your car in readers rides and it looks good. Is that a Carbon Fiber hood? Factory Aero kit? I'm curious to know more about it.
I like the T230. I had a friend with an '01 GT-S and it was fun to drive. Screamer of an engine. Hell they used them at the Long Beach Celebrity Race until it was discontinued.
@ Lesley, Thanks so much!
@Synthetic Blinker Fluid, Yes, the hood is carbon fiber. The aero kit isn't factory-- it's a mix of different available kits. I'm glad you're at least interested by it-- i don't think it's too shabby for someone's first car. :D
Even if it isn't our taste or something we would do, we still appreciate the work, effort and imagination that went into it.
Could be why all my daughters friends like me. They bring over their... lack of better term - "ricer". I look it over and tell them not my taste but you did some nice work here. Then they all surround my restored Opel GT and drool a bit while I teach them about "old school". Taught several of them autocross, some of them are hooked. I tell the kids do what ever you want to your car, just make sure you do it right and not half-a$$ it. Safer for you and all of us that have to share the road with you. Plus you'll enjoy it more if it's done right.
In reply to wlkelley3:
I agree. I wish i knew people like you. I have no one to enjoy cars with and it crushes my heart.
I need to learn more of how to do these modifications myself and stuff, but have no one to show me and i'm very nervous to mess up my first car. My Dad helps me out when he can, but that's not as often as i'd really like.
SVreX wrote: In the immortal words of Ron White, "You cain't fix stoopid!"
He also said "While I was sleeping... someone E36 M3 in my pants".
I still crack up everytime he is on - telling the same jokes.
Curmudgeon wrote: Come to think of it, I've been meaning to tell all of you that you are idiots who should not be allowed to breed.![]()
This is true, but my wife is only 99.9999% sure that we don't want kids. That .0001% keeps me from getting snipped.
SkinnyG wrote: I could have been plucking a live chicken in a circle of thirteen candles, and sacrificing it to some cloven-hoofed demi-god in my back yard, whilst reciting gutteral incantations of Latin verse
You say this as if it was a bad thing.
Trans_Maro wrote: No matter what, the car may not be my style but I can sure appreciate the work and engineering that goes into it. Shawn
+1. It seems to me, the people on this forum are true "car guys/gals" in that even if it doesn't pull at our heart-strings, we can appreciate the effort that went into building it. Be it a home built car or a pure show car.
wlkelley3 wrote: I tell the kids do what ever you want to your car, just make sure you do it right and not half-a$$ it. Safer for you and all of us that have to share the road with you. Plus you'll enjoy it more if it's done right.
This plus +10000000
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