I'd like to set up a small electric train layout around the Christmas tree this year, but with a three year old in the house, I'd be far too stressed out with my 50 year old HO scale or 40 year old N scale stuff within arm's reach. I'd like to find a fun, sacrificial train set that I wouldn't have to worry about. This is the first time in my life that I would actually consider an aesthetically deplorable, three rail Lionel set.
Any suggestions?
Budget? There's those battery operated small sets that the catalog places are selling. Sportsmans Guide has some, I think. I don't find the 3 rail Lionel sets aesthetically unappealing. I think they are great. They do make track with a subdued 3rd rail if that's your thing.
Cheap, used, HO-scale. I greatly prefer Life-Like.
12/5/11 3:25 p.m.
Playmobil train set. G Scale. Same stuff as LGB, USA trains, etc, but it is more plasticky because it is meant for young kids. I still have mine and set it up every year (although we've upgraded the trains, still have the originals).
They can take a pretty damn good beating.
12/5/11 3:26 p.m.
I didn't even now that there were battery powered ones, but I'm not sure that's what I'd want.
12/5/11 3:32 p.m.
growing up i had an 0-27 gauge set that only came out at christmas time. i played with that thing every christmas for as long as i can remember having christmas and for the most part all the parts and pieces are still there and working fine.
edit: to be clear, this was for around the tree. the 3-rail track is even tough enough to withstand the odd footstep that is bound to happen with a track running around the tree.
mtn wrote:
Not an option. I can't stand Thomas.
Here's what I want to happen to Thomas:

I think a Lionel set is a good place to start. The FasTrack will easily stand being walked on, and the train is pretty robust. Not exactly cheap, but none of it is.
I prefer Lionel,and they make some nice inexpensive starter sets that run trouble free. Which ever scale you pick get the new fastrack style track with the plastic base. My nephew has an HO set under his tree andthe track locks together and stays directly ontop of carpet without being nailed down.