This morning going to leave the house, there is a white Acura parked squarely across my driveway.
Lots of open parking all over the neighborhood, no reason for it. I go and knock on all of the doors of potential candidates, all answer the door but one and no one claims.
At this point, I am not going to tow it or let another neighbor tow and risk damaging it/ escalating the issue. Step 2 - call the police.
Police show up in cruiser, run plates, try calling the registered owner, no answer. He tries knocking on the door of the house we suspect as well. No answer for him as well.
They send a second cruiser to the registered owners house about a mile or so away. The dad of the 20ish driver answers the door and gets her on the phone to move the car.
By this point in time, there are about 6 neighbors out, plus the police when she walks out of the house in full walk of shame mode. Messy hair, wrinkled party dress, bare foot and looking in rough shape.
I felt bad, but I did try knock on the door, police tried knocking on the door, I wonder what dad is going to say after having the police show up at the front door at 7am on a Sunday morning for parking across a driveway. I know I have seen the car there one other time and it stuck out because she parked across my next door neighbors driveway and we had to find her to move it as well. Maybe the ticket will make her think about it next time.
Seems like it would have been a good time for the crowd to urupt into a round of applause directed towards the young man still in the house. 
Also one of those times where having Olympic Judge score panels on hand would have been great!

I love a good walk of shame. When I used to work Sunday mornings I would get breakfast, sit near the subway entrance and watch everyone figure out where they were and how to get home.

Why should you feel bad? She sounds like she's somewhat of a shiny happy person if she has such little respect for others, that she makes a habit of blocking people's driveways.
Maybe the public humiliation + ticket will help. (?)
She's lucky she did not get a breathalyzer after moving the car. If she was so blatto that she didn't realize the bad parking, she may have still failed, even in the morning.
So why did she park across the driveway, anyway? Less parking at night? Or just too much to drink?
Did you try your luck and yell out "Hey Amy"?
If she was hot, you could have another way of dealing with this in the future...
4/17/16 5:13 p.m.
Where's Franco Columbu when you need him?

If you're dumb enough to block someone's driveway, you should be towed and forced to take a Driver Ed refresher course.
No, public flogging is not PC nor is anything involving ants, jelly or smashing genitals with rocks.
... that's just me.
Last time the cops showed up at my problem next door neighbors house I was in the middle of popping a bowl of pop corn. Me and the kids grabbed the lawn chairs and set them up in the driveway watching the show unfold. Neighbors were pissed but the cops thought it was pretty funny. They ended up hauling the son away for PC as we gave them the thumbs up.
There is a college near where I work and we used to enjoy frequent Walks of Shame on Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings. Unfortunately, Uber seems to be spoiling the show lately.
In reply to Woody:
One more reason a good public transportation system is important.
When my wife and I got our first apartment we had a lot of college kids living there. One morning a Cherokee was blocking her in before work. No one was answering there doors so I hooked it to my Escort with my tow rope. Popped the linkage off the tranny to get it out of park and slowly let it roll down the hill to the dumpster pen. It sat their for two days before someone removed it.
codrus wrote:
So why did she park across the driveway, anyway? Less parking at night? Or just too much to drink?
Had to be drunk. The neighbor 2 houses down on the opposite side of the block from where she was at had some people over, but not many people park in the street on my block. We are a quiet suburb area on a small loop block. Literally, my road only goes back to the same road, there is no reason to be on it if you don't live there.
I have my 4Runner in the the street to the right of my driveway and the neighbors kid to my right parks in front of my place as well on the divide line. She parked behind my 4runner like it was the place to be. The next car parked on the street was 6 or 7 houses down and maybe 8 cars total on our 1/2 mile road.
My wife left the house about 30 minutes after I did and the officer was still giving her a hard time when she left. I bet she won't do it again and I am not concerned about any kind of retribution. That was a bone head all on her own. She actually was a pretty hot blonde (maybe reason behind parking issues?) and definitely picture worthy. The neighbor directly across the street says they have pretty good parties over there. Oh, to be in college again...
Wall-e wrote:
In reply to Woody:
One more reason a good public transportation system is important.
When my wife and I got our first apartment we had a lot of college kids living there. One morning a Cherokee was blocking her in before work. No one was answering there doors so I hooked it to my Escort with my tow rope. Popped the linkage off the tranny to get it out of park and slowly let it roll down the hill to the dumpster pen. It sat their for two days before someone removed it.
I believe that the preferred term is "Native American".
JohnRW1621 wrote:
She's lucky she did not get a breathalyzer after moving the car. If she was so blatto that she didn't realize the bad parking, she may have still failed, even in the morning.
My thoughts exactly. Sounds like she actually got off pretty lucky.
4/18/16 2:51 p.m.
JohnRW1621 wrote:
She's lucky she did not get a breathalyzer after moving the car. If she was so blatto that she didn't realize the bad parking, she may have still failed, even in the morning.
My first though...although I would be less than impressed if the cop let her incriminate herself just so he could bust her.
NOHOME wrote:
JohnRW1621 wrote:
She's lucky she did not get a breathalyzer after moving the car. If she was so blatto that she didn't realize the bad parking, she may have still failed, even in the morning.
My first though...although I would be less than impressed if the cop let her incriminate herself just so he could bust her.
On the other hand, I can be a big enough jerk to ask the cop on the scene to do just that. GERROFF MY LAWN!
4/18/16 4:34 p.m.
JohnRW1621 wrote:
Seems like it would have been a good time for the crowd to urupt into a round of applause directed towards the young man still in the house.
My freshman year in college I lived in the only all-male dorm on campus. People would regularly pull fire alarms at 2:00a just to see how many women showed up in the courtyard.