8/31/12 2:12 a.m.
Just got back from Santa Barbara for the launch of the new Accord. These things are run a bit like TSD rallies – with route books and rest stops.
We decided to find our own route
On a previous event, my driving partner had noticed a road climbing up the mountains, and had wondered where it went.
We decided to find out... it was sublime. One of the best roads I've traveled anywhere, with more loops than the alps.
Here's a site with a bit of info:
I'd say we tested that car real good. 
Gorgeous. That's on my list now.
8/31/12 7:05 a.m.
my googleskilzs aren't up to Lesley's ... but if you want a GREAT road without the traffic of the Dragon check out nc80 from Lake Tahoma ( north side of Marion NC) north... nothing but esses and switchbacks for miles and miles
very few driveways or side roads
zoom in and just follow it towards the Blue Ridge Parkway
Damn, I was just in SB. Too bad my only rides would have been a Prius.
wbjones wrote:
my googleskilzs aren't up to Lesley's ... but if you want a GREAT road without the traffic of the Dragon check out nc80 from Lake Tahoma ( north side of Marion NC) north... nothing but esses and switchbacks for miles and miles
very few driveways or side roads
zoom in and just follow it towards the Blue Ridge Parkway
I once got super lost coming off the parkway on that road. I was supposed to go south but went north on route 80. Great road, but at night and lost was also creepy.
You were able to drive it the whole way?
It looked like portions were bike or hiking only.
Hmmm dont remember hitting up that road but will sure check it out when i get a chance. The Los Padres National Forest has some good driving roads.
8/31/12 1:31 p.m.
Pretty much. The road forked after about an hour, and we took the one that eventually led down. Not by choice, really, we figured they'd probably send the cavalry after us if we were too late.
8/31/12 1:32 p.m.
I have video, but can't upload it yet because of the dialogue in the car (it's under embargo til the second week of September).
I figured the exclamations of the passenger would need to be cleaned up. 
8/31/12 4:01 p.m.
Jamesc2123 wrote:
wbjones wrote:
my googleskilzs aren't up to Lesley's ... but if you want a GREAT road without the traffic of the Dragon check out nc80 from Lake Tahoma ( north side of Marion NC) north... nothing but esses and switchbacks for miles and miles
very few driveways or side roads
zoom in and just follow it towards the Blue Ridge Parkway
I once got super lost coming off the parkway on that road. I was supposed to go south but went north on route 80. Great road, but at night and lost was also creepy.
while scary, if you kept going you'd have gone through Burnsville and hit US19 which would have taken you to US 23 and then on to either Asheville or the other way to Bristol/Johnson City ( future I 26 ) ... but yeah I can believe it seemed scary, by yourself, in the back woods of WNC.....(banjo music anyone ?) you need to come back and try it in the daylight
8/31/12 11:45 p.m.
Pretty sure I drove that Asheville Road during the Ford Taurus launch a few years ago... the bloody nav dumped us when we reached "un-mapped" territory, and yes... we heard banjos. 
I love that stretch of Hwy 80 got lost on it myself once but then again I am a somewhat local and have local maps so no worries, that a a whole bag of insured by S&W.
I prefer to hear Mandolin rather than Banjo it signals a slightly more upscale form or mountain folk.
Next time you're out in Sanat Barbara, go north on the PCH and turn to head to Jalama Beach. After driving that scenic road stop at the store and grill and get about the best burger you can get in the area then walk it off on the beach before driving the road back.
There are many other good roads around that area. I grew up in that area. When I was a teen and all my friends were out drag racing I was driving the many canyons in the area. That's what got me onto sports cars.
9/1/12 10:54 p.m.
Nice! We stayed in Goleta, it's the second time I've been there, same hotel even.