This was new one for me. Went to use my rototiller for the 1st time since spring.
It started easily and ran no problems. Yesterday? I could only get it to fire on fluid.
Pulled the carb and found this mess in the bowl.
What would posses a hundred or so ants to crawl in to a carb full of gas?

Alcohol? Maybe they were drunk with power.
That doesn't make much sense to me, either.
Could it be possible they were elsewhere in the fuel system and got sucked into the bowl when you filled/primed/started it?
I'd guess something to do with ethanol content. I'm no chemist but I remember from high school that sugar and alcohol are similar somehow. Odd though.
Alternate theory: These ants were part of a suicide cult and, lacking thumbs, couldn't properly mix their own kool-aide so they had to resort to chugging E10.
Where do you think fire ants come from?
Ant Man and his crew of drones took a wrong turn at Albuquerque?
Weird, never seen that one.
When I had the tool repair shop, we were always getting propane heaters in with spiders in the orifice. They seemed to like the smell or something.
Just remembered! I found a wasp in a holley once, but it had been sitting dry since about the middle ages.
Ants and gasoline sounds like it would be a Turnpike Troubadors song.
well you for sure HAD an air leak. we use gas to kill fire ant beds. I thought gas sorta melted them
Title s a good start for a punk band.
did they go in after the fuel bowl was empty ?