I accidentally got some brake fluid in my laptop keyboard. Keyboard is now unresponsive on the keys that spread out from the spill spot. I have a new keyboard and it looks like there is a pan of sorts under they keyboard which makes me optomistic the spill is contained there and swapping that component out will make it repaired. but.....
If I were to find traces of the brake fluid getting beyond the keyboard assembly what should I do to clean the area? I'm assumining daub not wipe as a minimum. But Are there cleaners that will help pick up this residue without harming the computer bits?
I'm here!
Hang that laptop upside-down immediately to keep the fluid from getting further inside. I'd recommend dabbing with distilled water to remove any fluid that doesn't come out with the keyboard. And do it fast, because brake fluid strips off all kinds of stuff and causes corrosion!
Edit: You'll want to use a fairly generous amount of distilled water to "neutralize" the brake fluid.
Thanks gameboy
It looks like the spill was contained in the keyboard and the plastic behind the keyboard. So I'm not going to douse it now. I will however be backing the whole thing up immediately just in case some got through that I didn't notice!
Keyboards are cheap and generally easy to replace, so you might want to consider it just in case.