Sitting here in the dark again because the transformer on the pole beside our house has blown again. The breaker is hanging down. Same thing happened a week and a half ago. I find it odd that this has happened twice in two weeks right after the new neighbours moved in and installed about 40 security cameras and yard lights behind the 8 foot high fence and padlocked all the gates . Two cameras are pointed right at my shop.
Naaaa nothing going on in there.......
FLIR is a comin'
take pics n vids of the bust for the 'ol gang here 
Does the whole house glow at night? Smell strongly of the 1970s?
Thank your local linemen.
Ian F
4/8/13 6:39 a.m.
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
Does the whole house glow at night? Smell strongly of the 1970s?
This. It sounds suspiciously like your neighbors have tapped thier service ahead of the meter (typical for grow-houses) and are overloading the transformer. Was the house sold or up for rent recently? Seriously - I'd call the police.
Yeah, something sounds suspicious. Get the power company out to find out what the issue is, it's their job.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
Yeah, something sounds suspicious. Get the power company out to find out what the issue is, it's their job.
And mention your suspension of the neighbor to the power company while your at it, sad to say it, but they may get a law enforcement response faster than you or the local PD.
Ian F wrote:
Seriously - I'd call the police.
Anonymously, from a phone that can't be traced to you.
Dude, if you screw up my supply I will be pissed!
Already done all of the above. Called my friend on the drug squad while I was sitting in the dark last night. I'll update if anything interesting happens.
4/8/13 10:29 a.m.
His neighbor is probably just a gun-totin security obsessed guy who has serious property protection issues.
4/8/13 10:53 a.m.
I sell these camera systems. NOBODY does that much without a really good reason. You get into serious money on big residential camera systems. Trouble is, if you can see that many cameras, somebody has not done their job right. Concealed or at least out of clear sight is much better, unless you are advertising. Yeah, you will have armed visitors soon, just hope they are carrying badges. Seems that Canada has a substantial 420 business.
I don't do distribution stuff, but I have a speed dial at work straight to the FBI if something happens to one of my transformers. The lineman who fixed it the second time will be passing information along to authorities.
4/8/13 3:02 p.m.
Wonder how many amps it takes to pop one of those breakers? Yeah, a FLIR camera on a chopper will tell them real quick if the are some shenanigans going on there.