In reply to ultraclyde:
When I worked at the park, I'd go to the nearest Walmart and buy ALL of the Deep Woods Off they had in stock for my self and employees every Spring. That might get us through the Summer, but I usually had to supplement my supply at least once before end of Summer depending on how many employees I had that season.
Applying Off was a routine, roll pants legs up, spray inside of pants leg, hose down boots, outside of pants legs, waist, and mist the rest of your clothes, depending on what we were doing there was usually at least one re-application before the day was over.
As diligent as we were, we still found ticks crawling on us daily, and still got bit on average once or twice a week. Some of those little devils were just immune to DEET.
That wasn't hyperbole or exaggeration in my earlier post, I've literally had hundreds, maybe north of a thousand tick bites, especially if you count all the times I got into seed ticks as a kid.
In all of those bites, I've had 2 issues, one presented with the bullseye rash, and mild flu/cold symptoms, Dr. wound up calling it Southern Tick Associated Rash Illness (STARI), a few weeks of Doxycycline and I was good to go, the second was the Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) I mentioned earlier.
Both of the ticks that infected me were acquired in areas that I would have never expected to get a tick, and as such hadn't used any repellent. Best as I can tell the STARI tick was from my parents yard, yes they have dogs, but they're treated, and was rarely an issue. The RMSF tick was on a levee in a rice field that I'd been in dozens of times before with no sign of ticks.
That's a lot of typing just to say, you really never know if/when you'll get one, using protection or not, and even if you do get bit, the chances of actually contracting something is pretty slim. Still I agree, it's silly to not use repellent.