10/9/20 1:28 p.m.
There's some bees in dis house, there's some bees in dis house, there's some bees in dis house, there's some bees in dis house.

Caught you!
WTF, why are there so many?

Seemed to reenergize them. Most of them flew off after.

These goobers tryin to start a hive?

Probably a hive in your wall. Eventually they find their way into the house and collect on the warm wall window. If the hive gets big in the wall & splits you may end up with one of these.
Then if you release the Queen of the new hive outside thinking they'll move away they may not go far, and then a couple months later you'll have one of these.
10/9/20 2:13 p.m.
Yeah, I've put out a call to as many local bee keeping associations as I can. I'm hoping that there isn't a hive, and I'm hoping that if there is they don't charge for removal. I'm renting so I'm not going to pay for any of that, but the landlord will just call an exterminator.
Yes there's a hive, no the bee keepers won't want to come out and get them, and yes an exterminator is likely going to be your solution. I moved the Queen of the small hive in the pics above outside at the request of the homeowner who teaches Vet stuff at a Vo-Ag high school so of course also wanted to keep the bees alive. The result was the large hive on the outside of the structure which the neighbor complained about and an exterminator was called.
We go through it regularly in this area of S FL. I tell people but they don't want to understand how the bees live or what it takes to remove them if they've built a hive in the structure. Most think they're gonna go to the depot and buy some spray. After a few weeks and wasting 25-30 bucks on sprays an exterminator shows up.
I'll guess the bees are on the South or Southwest side of your house. There can be up to around 40,000 in a hive. The scouts find a small hole to enter the structure where there's an area big enough to build a hive once in. I've seen a hole as small as an old cable wire hole that's no longer used or a hole where hurricane panels get bolted into. If it's in the wall the sooner you call the exterminator the better because it smells as the bees etc. die and deteriorate. Usually smells bad for a week-10 days this time of year and the bigger the hive gets the stronger the odor.