Crash Dork
5/30/08 3:04 p.m.

I heard something about a boat. I think Tea was involved.

Anything else?

ignorant SuperDork
5/30/08 3:17 p.m.

start there

Josh Reader
5/30/08 3:31 p.m.

I'd say a Fenway Park tour is the #1 must do. There are several good art museums. USS Constitution, Faneuil Hall, Boston Common... It's a fun city to just walk around and explore, as it's pretty compact compared to cities laid out after the automobile was invented.

Jack SuperDork
5/30/08 3:40 p.m.

Go to the north end and pick any italian resturant for dinner. You will be very happy.

Jack Seattle

Sonic New Reader
5/30/08 3:48 p.m.

Where do I even start?

How long are you going to be there? Are you just going to be in the city or in the general area? What kind of food do you like? Willing to make short daytrips?

Crash Dork
5/30/08 4:59 p.m.

Excellent. Thanks for all the suggestions. I guess it would have been useful to provide details upfront.... :P

I'll be there sans ow-toe from Saturday early evening until Tuesday early evening. Any commuting will be by cab/bus/subway.

Kind of food?
1. Warm 2. Cold 3. Yes. :grin:

Definitely will be partaking in some Chowdah and Lobstah, if there are any restaurants that stand out in that area (or any that I really should avoid). Italian will likely happen too. :cool:

Day trip would probably only work on Sunday, but possibly after noonish on Monday too.

Prior to this post I had considered the science museum on the bridge between Boston and Cambridge (coworker recommended), MIT, and the Larz Anderson Auto Museum. Anyone been there? I just looked up the art museums. Might have to fit that in as well.

Sounds like plenty to do. Thanks again, and please add more if anything else comes to mind!

Wowak Dork
5/30/08 5:22 p.m.

Faneuil Hall and the U.S.S. Constitution are always on my list of things to see. My 2nd cousin runs a little antique shop a few blocks away from the Constitution, around the corner from the oldest pub in America.

Sonic New Reader
5/30/08 5:42 p.m.

Larz Anderson is decent, but isn't really close to anything.

All the museums in Boston are really good, Science museum and aquarium are awesome. If you like Mexican food and are at the Constitution, go across the tobin bridge into Chelsea and there is a place next to the police station called "Cinco De Mayo" that is fantastic - any my ex was part mexican, so I know good mexican.

A great day trip is to take the ferry from near the aquarium and go up to the north shore, Salem. It is a beautiful ferry ride that lets you see the city from a beautiful angle, and gets you up to the north shore where there is lots to see. Check out the Peabody Essex museum in Salem, as well as all the old witch trial stuff. The north shore is also the place to get some lobstah.

For Chowdah, find a Legal Sea Foods...everything they have is great.

Make sure to go and check out Boston Common, it is beautiful this time of year, and if you are feeling up for it, take a ride on the swan boats.

Another great place to walk is along the Charles River Basin near the esplenade, very pretty, near fanueil hall. While you are in the area, make sure to go into Cambridge and check out Harvard Square...lots of great food and interesting shops and people, it really has lots of character.

Fanueil hall and the Constitution are good suggestions, if you want to get all historic you can take the freedom trail around to all the places where the country was born, easy walking, and the Constitution is on it.

patgizz GRM+ Memberand New Reader
5/30/08 6:20 p.m.

beat the crap out of anyone with a red sox or celtics shirt/hat on is #1 on the to-do list.

bludroptop Dork
5/30/08 6:41 p.m.
  1. Fenway Park

  2. 'Redbones' in Cambridge - blues and BBQ

  3. Haavad Sq. - if you like used book stores

  4. The 'T' for transportation

  5. A 'lobstah roll' and a Harpoon... or some fried scrod.

Woodyhfd GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
5/30/08 9:03 p.m.

You can marry someone of similar gender while you're there.

Wally GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
5/31/08 1:54 a.m.

Remind anyone that talks funny that It's a cute city but it's no New York, Yell "18 and 1" to anyone in a Pat's shirt/hat.

Wowak Dork
5/31/08 2:42 a.m.

Fenway Park? Whats the BFD? Its a baseball stadium. Woo.

I could see the appeal of going to see a game there, but going out of your way just to see the friggin' stadium?

I just don't get Redsox/Yankee fans (they're two sides of one stupid, ugly, retarded coin.)

edit: retahhded.

Josh Reader
5/31/08 7:38 a.m.

A lot of people, myself included, think baseball is an important part of american culture and history, and Fenway is one of the only remaining sites left from the era of Babe Ruth and the rise of baseball in the teens, 20s and 30s. Plus on the tour, you get to see a lot of the park that isn't accessible to fans on game day, including walking out on the field. If you've never been, its really quite a special place.

I'd put it thus way - if I were in Nashville, I'd want to go see the grand ole opry, even though I dont really like country music, because I still appreciate its meaning.

patgizz GRM+ Memberand Dork
5/31/08 9:31 a.m.
Wowak wrote: I just don't get Redsox/Yankee fans (they're two sides of one stupid, ugly, retarded coin.) edit: retahhded.

i admire your similar opinions on this subject.

oh yeah, if you are in town and the Dropkick Murphys are having a show, go at all costs.

bastomatic Dork
5/31/08 9:13 p.m.

While we were there there was free Shakespeare in the park, which was fun. There is a great lunch spot near the Commons called the "Beantown Cafe" that has good um, beans. Chinatown has good chinese, expectedly. Walking through the Fens was fun too, lots of gardens to look at and enjoy in the summer.

Lots of great bands play at downtown clubs - saw The Hives while there.

Tips - the city goes to sleep early. Most things aren't open past 10, and subway stops around midnight, which I found odd. We stayed at a Hilton hotel near the airport very cheaply, which I would not recommend since it was difficult to get into the city.

Crash Dork
6/4/08 5:44 p.m.

Thanks again for all the great suggestions. My feet/legs/knees/back/younameit are killing me from walking so much.

I had a great time, and didn't want to leave so soon. It was definitely too short of a trip for everything I wanted to experience.

I'll post more later maybe with a couple pics if I can find the cable to get them off the camera.

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