I've been trying to figure out my employment future for a while now and it seems things are organically evolving to push me down the path of property repair/maintenance.
I've recently taken on a part time role doing groundskeeping and maintenance for a local motel. This is probably only short term, around 6 months just to help get the place back up to a reasonable standard while I continue on with my renovations at home.
A few conversations over the last year or so have touched on my renovations, work shop build, fencing etc and sooner or later, the question pops up "would you be interested in doing" whatever it is that person is needing done. Initially I was batting these questions or requests away... But increasingly I'm starting to think there's a reasonable living could be made from it.
I'm on good terms with one of the local real estate agents and last time we bumped into each other I sounded out the market in terms of competition, potential for work etc for their rental portfolio... He was pretty interested, said there was not a great deal of competition, and said he definitely wanted to know if I decide to go that direction because he'd be happy to use me. I am also on good terms with the other local agent, so there's a good rapport there that could potentially have an in there.
I've spoken to a few locals who have been long term residents of the area, they're of the opinion that anyone who's good and honest always has more work than they need/can handle. The manager of the local hardware wold be willing to spruik/support me based on a few chats we've had.
I also made contact with a guy I've know for years who's been in the game for 30+ years who's in a totally different area (ie, not my direct competition) to see if he'd be willing to give me a bit of advice. He pretty much overloaded me with advice and information and said he's more than happy for me to pick his brains any time, especially if I found myself stuck on a particular job. He already does the same for his son and another friend of his and is always very generous with his time and information. So I've potentially got a solid mentor/support person on side.
I've also made a contact with the local master builders association branch (he does insurance assessment as well and I met him through the new job) he's a former carpenter and instructor (taught apprentice's the theory side of construction for about 15 years) and he knows the ins and outs of gaining a builder's license and would be willing to help me with the process of getting certified if I were to get more serious than just maintenance and repair.
So I guess we've come to "the point" of this thread. Has or is anyone here been down this path before? How's it worked out for you? Has it grown or evolved into something more? Any trap or pitfalls to about? Any sound or indispensable advice you can offer? Am I crazy?
I've got plenty to consider and think about, and a few jobs in the pipeline to test the waters a bit. If I were to pursue this with any seriousness, I'll need to go through the process of setting up a business, which again, any advice is well received.
Lastly, to me, this has the potential to evolve in a direction that would help me get to something I'm very much into.... Old houses and their preservation or restoration. So I don't see this as a fast track or a stop gap, but as a way of gaining experience, confidence and knowledge as well as building a good reputation within the community and wider areas.
Thanks for reading if you got this far haha.
Tl:dr.... Am I crazy for considering handyman/maintenance as a business and what advice have you got for me.