I'm no pro, but I have reviewed hundreds of them. I can tell you what I look for.
Don't go past two pages. NO WAY, NO HOW, EVAR. The only thing 3 pages tells me is that you couldn't focus your thoughts well enough to edit it to 2 pages.
I despise small fonts and narrow margins. I'm not stupid. I know what it means. It means you couldn't focus your thoughts well enough to edit it to 2 pages. Plus, busy pages are hard to read. The page needs to have some blank space. Clean is good. Avoid clutter.
I don't really need a detailed technical document. I need it to be a framework for our interview, so I can have a good discussion with you, and have some interesting things to ask. Just hit the highlights- give me some teasers, and let me figure out the questions so we can talk about it.
I am a total Nazi on spelling and grammar. Please triple check, and have it proof read by several people. I won't hire you to represent my company if you can't present yourself well on a piece of paper that you had every opportunity to get right. I had a guy once apply for a supervisor position, who misspelled supervisor. Sorry. Straight to the circular file.
I already know you meet the basic job requirements, or you wouldn't be in an interview. I'm not looking for a perfect job history, I'm looking for a good fit with the company. It's not something you have a lot of control over, so be real. If you fit, great. If you don't, that's OK too. It's better we both know it now.
I know it's a pain to customize every resume to the job. It's worth the effort. Spend some time doing your homework about me and my company before you give me a resume, then state a good specific goal or objective that fits with my company's needs. Also, include good relevant keywords for the auto scanners. We are gonna do our homework on you, you should do it on us.
Include something meaningful and interesting. Say you like racing cars, organic gardening, or raising gerbils. It doesn't matter what, as long as it is real and honest, and gives me something to ask you about.
Think about the company. Try to show what you are offering that will help the company.
Use action verbs, and show results. For example: "Implemented accountability system resulting in 15% net cost reduction ".
You don't need ALL your past employers or education. Stick to the last 10 years.