I want to buy 7 stun guns for everybody in my family. Are there any that don't suck and last longer than a week? I immediately go to the critical reviews on Amazon and they all appear to be junk. I would just as soon find one with replaceable 9 volt batteries or AA batteries if it includes a flash light.
Get them good flashlights:
In reply to Beer Baron :
I have a Streamlight ProTac HL-USB you do not want to have that flash in your eyes. All the nubbins on it I'd rather not get hit with it either.
I want to come to your family gathering, it sounds fun.
A flashlight is better than nothing, but isn't a good self defense tool for an average person.
In reply to Racebrick :
Lol. Not my siblings, my children and their spouses.
.357 Ruger Police Special? It'll stun a person.
Perhaps a spray instead? Lucky Gunner had a great series on the subject.
Crxpilot said:
Perhaps a spray instead? Lucky Gunner had a great series on the subject.
Yes this. There are too many variables and legality issues with stun guns/tasers.
Racebrick said:
A flashlight is better than nothing, but isn't a good self defense tool for an average person.
How about a 6 D-cell maglite? :)
Laws matter, and they vary widely. Don't get them something illegal where they live.
If it's not with you, and not easily deployed, it's useless. Lots of stun guns and spray cans are this way. The more switches or buttons or levers you need to use, the less likely you'll be able to deploy it.
Stun guns, batons and such require close proximity. A spray can allow for a little distance. But it's usually only the larger cans that have any real range.
Practice is important. You don't want them to tase or spray themselves. You also want them to understand the limits of the tool.
I've never seen a strobe that did anything to anyone. A bit blinding, but nothing more. A few strangers and I had fun exploring this at a show the other day.
The only "stun guns" that actually have any true effectiveness are Dart Firing Stun Guns like Taser makes that actually provide NMI. The cheap contact ones rely solely on pain compliance that is minimally effective at best.
A cheaper alternative would be a defense spray the two easily available makers that seem to be the best are POM and Sabre Red.
+1 on the pepper spray, easy to conceal, stash in the car or purse or pocket, always ready when you are, and cheap enough that you can buy a practice can and be confident in deployment.

I keep these handy. They will shoot 8 to 10 feet. Pretty much guaranteed to shut someone down long enough to get away from them.

In reply to Toyman! :
We've got a couple cans of Saber gel too. From what I hear, the gel is more effective than spray because it's less likely to blow back your way and sticks to skin/eyes.