I've had this axle in & out a few times, and I'm concerned I've f'd up/possibly bent the clip to the point where it will no longer seat. I *think* I have a set of circlip pliers that I can use to remove it...or dental pick & small flat-head?
Any tips for reinstallation without destroying the new one?
Also is this a "bring the old one into the parts store and pray they have one" affair? Teh googles are not really yielding the results I'm looking for. It's for Tesla model S front motor.
Parts store...I didn't think Autozone and the like would have much in Tesla parts but I searched Rock Auto (RA) first and they do have Tesla CV shafts. I guessed at what year and went with 2016
Locally, you might try a Parts Authority location. PA is owned my RA of visa versa. I learned this when I bought some parts and the outgoing shipping label was from the PA location just 5 miles from my house.
Wear safety glasses, whatever you use, those things can pack a lot of energy when they're pulled open. Not an expert on circlips but the best option would be to bring in the old one for matching and to reinstall a new one with circlip pliers. Wonder what you're doing with a Model S motor? 
someone please correct me if i'm wrong, but...
i *think* that clip only exists to keep the inner CV from falling out of the trans during the assembly / service process. i can't see it carrying any real load other than the weight of the shaft
It's pretty unlikely Tesla came up with their own circlip. Far more likely you'll be able to measure it and pick one out of the McMaster Carr catalog. Or grab the spline size and go to a drivetrain shop with the diameter, the greasy guy behind the counter will likely grab one out of a box in the back. Might even install it for you :)
There is nothing wrong I see with that ring.
Don't fix stuff that isn't broke....
It's either the image or my old eyes, but is it a standard circlip? Hard to see if it has two holes that could be accessed with snapring pliers.
That said, snapring pliers was one of the very first specialty tools I ever bought.
Kinda like Porsche--there is no substitute.
In reply to 1988RedT2 :
No holes. I kinda want to remove it just to see if it'll go in without it.
If it has no holes you'll need something like a piston ring pliers...for RC cars?
Yeah, you were probably right with a small pick and a little flat blade screwdriver. Just be sure to carefully work it off over a big fluffy towel so it doesn't rocket off into outer space and disappear for all time.