The0retical wrote:
I've got an M44 out of a crate, covered in cosmoline, for 99 bucks when I lived in Florida. Took a long time to get all the goop out of the stock even after heating it and shooting it a bunch of times.
Fun gun to shoot and the carbine kicks like a mule.
Also as for accuracy you might want to read this:
(yes that number is confirmed at 505)
Link that works.
and I raise you.
students of his school are estimated to have made 1000 to 3000 kills
Vasily has a book in English. His memories and anecdotes. I don't remember the name. Anyone read it? Anyone have a free PDF link to it? I'm sure he wouldn't mind, being a dead commie and all, today.
In reply to moparman76_69:
Thanks for the working links, apparently the boards do not care for umlauts very much and I was running off to do some work so I didn't check it. I've actually read Zaytsev's book unfortunately not in a digital copy, though his count is "only" 242 to Hayha's 505
and the fact that he ran a school instead of just being a farmer that was a pretty good shot.
Zaytsev is quite a bit more famous due to the involvement in Stalingrad during WWII as opposed to Hayha who fought in The Winter War which sort of just gets rolled into a prelude to WWII in most peoples minds.
As the article states Enemy at the Gates was based off his memoir.
Also there's a couple of companies that offer peep sights for the Mosin so if the regular sites aren't your cup of tea there's always options.
I have tried looking for the past 2 hours online and cant find any dealer that sells them near Raleigh NC. I did find a place with a ton of antique guns though. 
In reply to Cole_Trickle:
Have one of the dealers send these guys their FFL:
I hate you guys, first you throw my "Car ADD" into overdrive, now I've got the ATF sending me a C&R application...
Cole_Trickle wrote:
I have tried looking for the past 2 hours online and cant find any dealer that sells them near Raleigh NC. I did find a place with a ton of antique guns though.
Try Bud's Guns- for about a $35 ffl fee, you can order this and pick it up at one of your local gun shops---
Here's a pretty good review video!
A little something to whet your appetites:

My unissued B-barrel Finn M39 with a scout-mounted LER scope.
Here is my sporterized M44 and I also have an original M44. I bought both for $75($37.50 a piece) about 10 years ago. We made a sleeve on the lathe at work to cover up the step down in the barrel where the bayonet sleeve was on the end.

Aeromoto wrote:
slantvaliant wrote:
MN's are 7.62X54R - Pretty good round, but most of the inexpensive ammo is garbage.
Yes, you won't win any sniper contests with it, but I just look at it as the most fun for the money. I can shoot a Mosin for about .18 cents a shot, where the cheapest you could shoot a 30.06 is over a dollar a shot, not to mention the fact that a Mosin is a good $500 cheaper to buy than the cheapest 30.06
I shoot my '06 for a lot less that $1.00 a round. It's called "handloading". I'll handload for my son's MN, too, when we get a batch of reloadable brass collected and I find a reasonable source for bullets that fit its bore. I think that's when we'll see what the old rifle can do.
If you can't find a used '06 for less than $600, you aren't looking.
Look what UPS left on my doorstep today- 880 rounds per crate, 440 per can

Nice start there, did the knife come with them 
02Pilot wrote:
A little something to whet your appetites:
My unissued B-barrel Finn M39 with a scout-mounted LER scope.
What base did you use with that?
aussiesmg wrote:
Nice start there, did the knife come with them
No, but they did come with a can opener.
stroker wrote:
02Pilot wrote:
A little something to whet your appetites:
My unissued B-barrel Finn M39 with a scout-mounted LER scope.
What base did you use with that?
It's a Darrell:
3/7/12 8:38 a.m.
I'm not much of a hunter, but have been wondering about going on a hog hunt. Would the MN be a good gun for big hogs?
cwh wrote:
I'm not much of a hunter, but have been wondering about going on a hog hunt. Would the MN be a good gun for big hogs?
Well, the Mosin has killed thousands of Germans, Afgans, Americans, South Koreans, South Vietnamese, Somolis, Egyptians, Isrealis, Georgians, Etc, so I'd figure a hog would be easy.
In reply to cwh:
Its a big projectile with a decent amount of powder behind it. Its no 30-06 but it is no .223 rodent round either. So if you can hunt hogs with a .308 Id say yes. I am no hunter either, I am just a paper killer.

The target shooter in me would like to play with this variant:

For non-handloaders, Hornady Vintage Match Ammunition might be worth a try.
Plain MN's qualify for the Civilian Marksmanship Program "Vintage Military Rifle" matches, and the sniper versions for the "Vintage Sniper Rifle" matches. But beware: Those folks can get serious!
I'm not a hunter, but for hogs I'd think you'd want a lot of mass in the round. IIRC the military heavy ball round for 7.62x54R was around 200 grains, so you should have no problem loading at least that heavy a bullet. If handloading you should slug the bore first, as MNs usually run around .311 or .312; .308 will rattle around in there and you'll never get decent accuracy.
I've hunted hogs in FL with .308. It works pretty well, I've never tried with the 7.62x54R though I assume it'd do the same thing.
I generally use a 45-70 or a .450 Marlin lever action, big slugs do the job very well at close range since you don't need the ballistics of a .308 at such close range.
On a side not I'm too much of a sissy to hunt those things with knives and spears like some guys. If you're in FL there's a local magazine called Boar Hunter (I have no idea who publishes it) that's specifically devoted to, well hunting boar, that's got a bunch of good info.