Type Q
10/22/20 10:35 a.m.
It was a joke.
My daily driver and autocross car for many years was a 5th gen Honda Civic Si. During the hight of the "Fast and Furious" modified Civic craze, some buddies were commenting about "Type R" stickers getting put on all kinds different Hondas by kids who owned them. In moment of inspired silliness I said, "Not me. I have an ultra rare Civic Type Q." Someone asked "What's a Civic Type Q?"
"The one that came before the R."
10/22/20 10:40 a.m.
53.5 years ago my mom and dad decided I should be named after him.
Dieselboss15 - my brother had a 2015 IIRC Ford f350 power stroke. i thought it was awesome/boss like. he sold it and has regretted it ever since.
It's the name of the first song I wrote.
Ford Thunderbird with the 4.6 V8 = slow bird
Been involve with the Adirondack Motor Enthusiasts Club Inc.(AMEC) since they started ice racing as a competitor and long time chief steward.
Retired a few years ago.
520 was my SCCA Rally Car number. I figured it would always be a former number and would never change.
Justjim75 said:
I think mine is interesting and I've wondered how others got theirs. Spill it if you want!
My mom had a dream the day before I was born.
I call myself Wonko in order to remind myself that a scientist must be like a child in having no preconceived notions - "Wonko" being a childhood nickname bestowed by my mother. I added the epithet "the Sane" to my name in order to reassure people of my sanity. That sanity has been called into question frequently, not least because of my repeated insistence that I have been visited by green-winged angels on scooters.
I discovered this forum from a search for a 21mm rear sway bar for my 03 Merc. (panther platform) Never got help finding one, but have had lots of help with all my other interests!
Don't guess that fits as a "good" story... just the kinda boring truth.
I've got a 70 Firebird Esprit I built a Trans Am clone out of. Pontiac purists would come up and berate me for "ruining" an original Trans Am with wrong color, wrong this, wrong that, etc. So I'd have to explain that it was just a lowly Esprit, NOT A TA, and just kinda looked like one. Eventually I got a vanity plate that said NOTATA and would just point to it. Then the internet was invented, then when forums began around the turn of the century and I started using it as a screen name.
In reply to WonkoTheSane (Forum Supporter) :
Have you?
Just my name and some numbers. I have used these numbers for lots of things over the years that is not a password or a PIN.
Mine was a nickname I picked at a previous job where we all had to wear name badges. My name badge just had a lowly 3 letters on it. One day, one of my coworkers looked at me and said I needed a more interesting name and declared me Chesterfield Snapdragon McFisticuffs. The Chesterfield just stuck.
WonkoTheSane (Forum Supporter) said:
I call myself Wonko in order to remind myself that a scientist must be like a child in having no preconceived notions - "Wonko" being a childhood nickname bestowed by my mother. I added the epithet "the Sane" to my name in order to reassure people of my sanity. That sanity has been called into question frequently, not least because of my repeated insistence that I have been visited by green-winged angels on scooters.
It could be the ABSINTHE talking. Its known as "the green fairy" ( "la fée verte") .
10/23/20 9:29 a.m.
Always been a bit of a nomad; Born in Arizona and landed in PR at the age of four as move #11 or so. Then Canada, then England, Then SD, then Texas, then Nigeria finally Canada again.
1989 I was working and living in the Nigerian delta ( aka swamp) on a 7-3 work rotation. Canceled the Lotus that I was waiting for and purchased the first Miata I could get my hands on so that I could tour NA and couch-surf during my three weeks of "Off" time. First drive ever off the dealer lot was from Tampa to Winner SD to register the car and pick up the plates. ( Still had a SD driver's license) Since everything I owned in this world fit into the carry-on bag that went in the trunk of the Miata, the plate read "NOHOME"
Irony being what it is, since moving to Canada I have become very non-mobile. Still traveled a lot, but same Home and Wuman for going on 30 years.
Every good user name I thought of was already in use by someone else. And then I ran across a quote that resonated with my predicament:
"Be yourself, everyone else is already taken."
jharry3 said:
WonkoTheSane (Forum Supporter) said:
I call myself Wonko in order to remind myself that a scientist must be like a child in having no preconceived notions - "Wonko" being a childhood nickname bestowed by my mother. I added the epithet "the Sane" to my name in order to reassure people of my sanity. That sanity has been called into question frequently, not least because of my repeated insistence that I have been visited by green-winged angels on scooters.
It could be the ABSINTHE talking. Its known as "the green fairy" ( "la fée verte") .
jharry3 said: Have you?
Of course, haven't you?
For anyone confused, sorry, I'm not nearly brilliant enough to write that. I was just pasting in the origin story of Wonko The Sane from book four of the Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy trilogy. In the story, Wonko was a biologist who decided that society was criminally, and unsalvagably, insane after being pushed a bit too far by finding instructions on a box of toothpicks. He built an inside-out house to live in that he called the Asylum, so that the "inside" kept the rest of the world contained until proper help could some day be sorted out.
I've been known as Wonko since I was a young teen, because my friends thought I fit the description of him as a person, and temperament :)
Not really a good story but one none the less. My family doesn't do junior, use initials. My grandfather first and middle name initials were W L. My dad, first born initials were W L so me, first born has initials W L. Hence WLKELLEY3.
10/23/20 8:21 p.m.
In reply to WonkoTheSane (Forum Supporter) :
Goodbye and thanks for all the fish. 
Edited to add, I’m not very clever but drive a 2011 GT California Special.
Mine is a mashup built from several* places I have lived, in chronological order:
OH (Wadsworth)
SC (Summerville)
RI (Westerly)
FL (Lithia)
...with an e tacked on the end for confusion purposes... ain't never owned a gun.
*I actually lived in CT (Pawcatuck) after RI and I live in GA (Roswell) now for about ten years. And guess what? Good people everywhere. shiny happy persons too.
I was in high school in '68 and really wanted a TR250. Senior year of high school I was able to get a '65 TR4A and then a TR6 in 2nd year of college. After college I got a '67TR4A that was totaled on the Schuykill Expressway one night. After that I was able to get the car of my dreams - a 68TR250. I still have it to this day.
In reply to mainlandboy :
Sorry, never saw that one