Zomby Woof wrote:
AM only.
I used to do this a lot more in the 90's and early 2000's, but kind of got away from it. Whenever we go up north in the bush, I take a radio with me and always find something good, usually every night.
Anybody else do this? What's the go-to equipment these days?
I do but, I don't buy any fancy equipment. I have a really old Viking radio, ether bought at Sears, or Eaton's in the 60's by my parents... This thing is awesome!!! I can bring in AM signals from ridiculous distances with the Good old Viking!!
I have received AM broadcasts from Mexico, the UK, the Southwest U.S. and British Columbia. According to the call signs...
Not bad for a radio that was once destined to have a "Funeral by Fire at Mosport".... It was performing poorly, I decided to bring it to Mosport for it's funeral, during my drunken early 20's.
The battery compartment was filled with D batteries. We tuned it to a local FM station... When the fire died down to hot coals. It was tossed in with the radio still on turned full blast...
We wanted to see how it would last before it finally died... Half an hour later, it was still loud and allive!!! I pulled it out.. I figured if after all that, since it was still going.
It was a keeper!!
That was in the late 90's. It actually works better than before it was tossed in the fire!!
Maybe the fire melted some poor connections and made them good again..
Ether way, I still have it. And it is better than ever. Except for the melted E36 M3 (leather and some plastic, not the metal) on the exterior.
Also, I am not an avid DXer but I find that older regular equipment (never tried anything purpose built for DXing). Seems to work better than newer equipment.
It may be because of the analog tuners, or it may be that older equipment, even the cheap E36 M3 was built to be more durable...
I do know this.. I have a place near Bancroft. My old Viking can pull in signals from incredible distances there. May be the equipment, or it could be the elevation...