So guys anyone do (or get drug to) the whole black friday shopping? I was up most of the night with some wicked heart burn from eating to much yesterday, so vI decided what the hell. Got dressed and out the door about 4:45, got to Walmart (only place with early stuff around here) at 5 when they opened I was back home by 5:28.
I actually managed to get the one thing I was really hoping to get that they had on sale the 8 inch digital picture frame, its a gift for dad. He is in adult foster care and can't get out much so I figured I would load it up with a bunch of the old family pics and ones I've taken and give to him. That was $39.
I also picked up a Blueray player for $128 (my dvd player has been acting up so I thought what the hell) and a couple movies. I got to the front of the store didn't even have to wait in line at all.
New Reader
11/28/08 8:30 a.m.
have you tried the blueray player yet? is it a sony or off brand?
I was really hoping not to go out today, but the kid is running out of diapers
nah havn't hooked it up yet i was hoping to try and get more sleep but I don't think that will happen. Its a Magnavox player so we will see how it does. Cheapest deal I've seen on a Sony is around $200 on sale.
The local Pick-A-Part has a half-price sale today. I just dragged home a 5-speed '89 Camry from the local impound auction on Wednesday for 225 bucks. It needs a coupla things.....
Well couldn't get back to sleep so I hooked up the blueray player, and it works perfect. Tossed in I am Legend and the picture is great and sound is great on my 2 year old Vizio. Thankfully I already had a spare HDMI cable laying around so I didn't have to pickup another one of those.
I went to office max at 8:00am and bought some "word" software for junior. the office max dude said 12 people were camping out and at 8:15am they still had a laptop that was advertised on the front page.
What were they camping out for? memory sticks - 4gb for $9.99. So I bought three since they were a good deal. And they had a huge pile.
I was at wal mart and picked up a 4gb for 9, not that I needed it.
I already took care of memory as stated in my other post, got 3 Sandisk 4 gig Extreme III cards for $60 then a $60 rebate, I think shipping was $6. 
wife was out and done by 6:30 this morning
Wife left last night with a friend to start at KB toys at midnight was home in bed at 9:30am
and I got my xmas present early because it's was too hard to hide.
nice new 32" LCD tv.
New Reader
11/28/08 11:06 a.m. has been 0wned since last night. I can't buy some discounted screwdrivers and it's making me angry.
Also, some guy got trampled to death at wal-mart in long island. Buncha savages...
I missed it. Thanks to a shot of Nyquil, I slept past noon. Guess I needed the sleep.
I dropped my car off last night to be inspected today at my old job...employee discount AND 20% Black Friday discount= emissions and safety inspection for $39 :)
But regular shopping? Absolutely not. Couldn't pay me enough to go shopping anytime, let alone today when the crazies are about.
My dad did Harbor Freight this morning. Didn't get anything he actually went for, but still managed to spend $100 on a whole basket full of stuff, which means it was pretty much like every other trip to Harbor Freight.
Considering most of the big stores have the same deals for small stuff online as they do in stores, and include free shipping, I'm just ordering most of my "Black Friday" deals online. Although I doubt the price will drop much over the next few weeks.
I picked up a TomTom 125 and Samsung S860 Digital camera for my GF for around $200.
Yeah, I'm up at 4:00 am every day of the week anyway so what the heck.
Went to Sears, got a set of Gearwrench metric combo wrenches for my son, a couple of stupid cheap laser level gizmos for my two brothers-in-law and a telescoping magnetic pickup for myself. Out the door for $48.
Then I went to Home Depot and bought myself a Ryobi bench grinder for $20.
Felt kinda sad throwing my grandfather's bench grinder in the trash this afternoon but it was SCARY!
It was an old refrigerator motor connected by an equally old v-belt to a pedestal mounted shaft with a wheel on each side. All mounted on a piece of scrap plywood. No belt guard, no shields, no tools support - nothing.
I also feel bad about the guy getting trampled to death at Wallyworld. WTF?
I didn't mean to do any Black Friday shopping but I was up at 4 to take my daughter to the airport and I saw all the filled parking lots. After I left the airport I decided to go to Costco cause they've got the cheapest prices on premium ($1.80). While I was there I decided to go inside. They didn't have any real Black Friday sales, but I came out with a gas grill and 2 electric mopeds for the grandkids.
I've just about gotten my V-card balance under control, so I'm not looking to blow it up least not yet.
I'm guessing that in this economy, it will be a black few weeks until sometime into January, so no need to hurry.
I just got back from my Black Friday shopping: two digital to analog converters for rabbit-ear TVs (with the needlessly complex government coupons), cat food and groceries. Yeah, I'm the shopper all the stores are banking on.
Oh, and a copy of Smokin' Aces for $5. Woo!
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
11/28/08 6:16 p.m.
I went to Barnes and Noble with Stig. We figured out which magazines had some info I needed for work....and that's about it. Oh, got a $2 nasal aspirator at Babys R Us. Fancy name for a snot sucker.
Kim and I aren't feeling very Xmasy this year. It'll be a year or more before Stig gets I'm hoping that helps my holiday cheer.
As for being a raving shiny happy person with a credit card, no I didn't shop for anyone else. Frankly, I'm a little sick of it. I don't want anything, I don't want to buy anyone else anything. I certainly don't want anything enough to trample someone to death in a Walmart, or shoot someone in a Toys R Us. Wow. Humanity rocks.
I miss having an actual book store I can go to. Back when I was a kid on holidays it was a tradition for us to all head down to Powell's book store in down town Portland. If you don't know about Powell's it is a full city block and at the time it was 3 stories tall, now I believe it is 6 stories tall.
They have a full second store for tech books that is another city block.
I did manage to take advantage of a nice Black Friday sale: Mini Mania had Mini parts on sale today.
Check out for Mini parts at close-to-UK prices on a regular basis.
I had to work today, so I didn't go out to shop. However, I made the mistake of going onto I ended up getting a 22" widescreen LCD monitor for $150 with free shipping. It kills quite a few birds... Allows me to watch movies in bed, replaces my 15" monitor, and gives me a reason for a dual-monitor setup.
MitchellC wrote:
I had to work today, so I didn't go out to shop. However, I made the mistake of going onto I ended up getting a 22" widescreen LCD monitor for $150 with free shipping. It kills quite a few birds... Allows me to watch movies in bed, replaces my 15" monitor, and gives me a reason for a dual-monitor setup.
Score! I was looking for a second monitor!