<--- My Dr on the TV machine talking about the Alcat test and how he helps athletes.
He webpage.
Super down to earth guy and not some crazy organic health nut job that dosen't prescribe drugs. If you're sick he'll give you the right stuff. His main goal is to keep you from being sick by eating right and getting the proper vitamins.
If you're sick he'll give you the right stuff. His main goal is to keep you from being sick by eating right and getting the proper vitamins.
Wow, I didn't know people still relied on nutrients from the food they ingest to obtain the proper vitamins their bodies needed!
fastasleep wrote:
If you're sick he'll give you the right stuff. His main goal is to keep you from being sick by eating right and getting the proper vitamins.
Wow, I didn't know people still relied on nutrients from the food they ingest to obtain the proper vitamins their bodies needed!
Yeah man.. McDonalds started putting "McCrack", a vitamin supplement, in the Big Mac.
Ian F
3/11/09 12:22 p.m.
I haven't really lost any weight, but that hasn't been my goal... I'm 5' 10" @ 155-160 lbs... I'm not sure losing weight would be healthy... For all of this year, I've been eating out a lot less and bringing my lunch to work... although this was mostly driven by a desire to save money...
However, I have been base-training to get back into XC mtn bike racing this year... Since starting in early Feb, I've lost about an inch off my waistline... and have much better endurance on bike rides...
I still have a bit of a gut I'd like to lose, but at my age (nearing 39) I know that will take time and consistent work.
New Reader
3/11/09 2:57 p.m.
i wish u would stop losin it cuz i keep finding it.
I was 225ish at one point and just through changes in my diet I was able to get down to 175ish in about a year and a half. No matter what I did, I couldn't get any lighter. Then I went to work for the Post Office as a carrier. Now I walk about 10 miles a day minimum plus go to the gym three nights a week and am down to 160ish. The last time I was this light was when I was in high school 20 years ago. Additional pluses from the job are that I am all muscle-no fat anywhere and I have much better stamina.
I lost a bunch of weight about 3 months ago when i got really sick... went from almost 145 to a touch under 120. It was disgusting.
Still fighting to get back from that. I can't seem to keep any weight on my body anymore, and it's almost to the point that i just crash everyday at about 8pm when my body has just run out of anything to burn. Tapeworm?
At almost 6'3", a few years back I was about 185. I cut soda and high-fructose corn syrup out of my diet (mostly, hard to avoid in ketchup and other places), and lost about 17 pounds over the course of a year. Didn't change anything dramatically, probably have gotten more exercise as a result of Ashley being around, she's an active sort and likes going on bike rides and stuff.
I was a very lanky 155 in College eating nothing but Taco Bell and Pizza Hut. Weird.
Cutting pop and limiting high fructose corn syrup did nothing for my weight. It's been over two years now, and no change.
I'm about 6'1", and at my heaviest I was around 210-215. I got into a bad habit of eating fast food for lunch, and breakfast if I woke up late (which was often). I had already cut out sodas, but was never a big soda drinker so it didn't really help much. After moving to Pa., I worked out of the house, was broke, and didn't know anyone, so I ate at home every day. I was down to 163 in eight months. Then I moved back to Indiana, and started hanging out with my old friends, who are all drinkers. I've been back for four years and I stay around 180, though I need to eat a bit better (and I've been pretty actively doing so lately). I'd like to lose my gut and be a bit more toned.
Scott Lear said:
I was a very lanky 155 in College eating nothing but Taco Bell and Pizza Hut. Weird.
I hear ha. At 16 I was 6'1" and weighed 140 pounds. My mom was a manager at Burger King, and one of my friends was a Taco Bell manager, so I got free crap food all the time, and drank Dr. Pepper like it was going out of style.
Didn't want to start a new thread, so I figured I'd bring this one back from the dead. I hit kind of a rough patch last few months and was drinking waaaaay too much...and then snacking...till about 1-2AM every night.
I was maintaining my current (highest ever) weight. I finally put a quick pencil to paper and was shocked by how many calories I was consuming in alcohol.
For the hell of it, I decided to start cutting back. I'm currently consuming half the drinks I was...and therefore not snacking. I also FINALLY at 35 berkeleying years old, broke myself of the habit of clearing my plate (as my parents grew up dirt-poor in WV, throwing away food was punishable by death as a kid.) So I eat an egg and a piece of toast at breakfast, about a fist-sized portion of whatever is for dinner (also eliminated the useless filler - usually the starch. Mama is a starchoholic.) and NO snacks after dinner. There's been ice cream and cookies and all kinds of crap in the fridge/cupboard and I just don't touch it. I've also started going to bed at a way more reasonable hour (usually 11, sometimes midnight on the weekends,) which I think has helped a lot too.
So between that, and the big one (eliminating 900-1200 calories worth of booze,) I've lost over 10 lbs. in the last couple weeks. On target for 15 by the end of the week. Feels AMAZING. I'm shooting for a total of 30 by the end of the year, with a long-term goal of 50, which will get me in the ballpark of "ideal weight" for my age and height.
I'm going to have to get an exercise regimen going to get there. Still struggling with that one, but I'm trying to motivate myself to at least start doing push-ups and crunches by the end of the week. I berkeleying hate it, but it's about all I can figure I can do at night. We have a treadmill, but it's kind of a piece of E36 M3, and my knees feel like a bag of rocks. I'd love to get a bike and ride, but that would probably be a weekend-only thing, as it's usually dark by the time I get home, grab a bite, and kiss the kiddo good night.
Anyway, I'm all happy panda at the moment.
Congrats brother, proud of you
Good for you! Lots of people make it out to be much more complicated than it is. Very simple equation.... calories burned > calories consumed = weight loss. Calories consumed > calories burned = weight gain.
As for the exercise portion of things, once you get into a routine, it'll become second nature to you. I get up at 4am just so I can get my lifting in daily.
10/9/13 11:28 a.m.
I should weigh myself to see where I am. Probably still about 200, and I would like to be 185, although that would be ideally be gaining 15 lbs of muscle and losing 30 of fat.
I eat like E36 M3. If I started eating right, I'd probably drop the pounds pretty quick--I play hockey twice a week and am reffing an average of 2 college games, 2 adult league, and probably 1-3 youth games a week, in addition to golfing (9 holes with a cart—cart non-negotiable due to lack of daylight) about 1.5 times a week, so if I added in a weight lifting regiment and cut out the crappy food, I'd probably be doing pretty good.
Poopie, thanks to this post, I am going to start tonight with a light “weight lifting” regiment (maybe 25 pushups, 50 situps, wrist curls, and some squats), and next grocery trip I'll start buying healthier stuff. And less starchy stuff, and cut out my sweets at work. It helps that I have cut my beer consumption from 2-3 a night to about 6-14 a week. The fact that the college hockey season has started really aids that, because where I used to be drinking 3 beers every Friday and Saturday night, I now have 1 when I get home from the game, and it is bed time.
I eat very well, but like poopie drink too much.
However, we have cut it back to one cheat meal/going out to eat a week vs the 2-3 we used to do. I do Turbulence Training, some cardio, regularly now. Dropped 10 pounds in the last 2-3 months but I know I've gained muscle as well.
I need to lose at least another 25, in reality I'd like to be a skinny, but strong 155...........since I'm part of race weight for the car.
10/9/13 12:05 p.m.
I dropped 15lbs since the end of July, wrestling a motorcycle around actually makes you work.
Poopie, thanks to this post, I am going to start tonight with a light “weight lifting” regiment (maybe 25 pushups, 50 situps, wrist curls, and some squats)
Well fuggit man. I'll do the same!!! FWIW, squat thrusts get my heart pumping. I'll probably throw some of those in instead of the weights.
Also: Starting weight: 235.6. Current weight: 223.6. (I'm a tick over 6') REALLY motivated to hit a number that starts with a "1!" It'll probably be the first time in 15 years...basically, since I started drinking berkeleying beer.
THE DEVIL LIVES IN THERE!!! At 165, I'm told I looked like I was starving to death. I figure 185 is attainable.
In reply to poopshovel:
you know your boobs are going to shrink, don't you?
AngryCorvair wrote:
In reply to poopshovel:
you know your boobs are going to shrink, don't you?
I suppose you'll just have to settle for my sweet, sweet ass from now on.
Starting weight 211 @ 5' 10'
Current 191 - 193 depending on salt intake that day, height unchanged.
Goal is 180 but beer and food keep foiling the plan. I can only run so much.
Starting weight a very bearded and manly 210 @ 5'8"
Current 199, but I can tell I've lost many inches as my clothes are fitting much better than 10lbs would suggest.
As mentioned, goal is 155-160.
ignorant wrote:
ClemSparks wrote:
ignorant wrote:
thatsnowinnebago wrote:
no yeast? does that mean no beer?
yeah it stinks.. but It's true. I drink a beer and I get an asthma attack. triple distilled vodka or high quality scotch does the trick now.
I guess you probably know what you're getting since you're in tune to it, but it seems like most of the typical hard liquors now are primarily grain alcohol blends. And if it's grain and in the US, I assume it's corn until proven otherwise. Of course maybe by the time it becomes alcohol, it's a different issue for you, allergy-wise. Again though, I'm figuring you're pretty in-touch with it and have this all figured out.
True.. I drink a lot of grey goose.. It's from made with wheat. Now, I will say that there are some wonderful micro batch vodkas out there made from wheat as well.
I can't think of the name just now, but I had a bottle of Ukrainian potato vodka that made me understand why eastern Europeans drink it straight.
Edit: Didn't realize this was a zombie post, but the potato vodka is still really good.
suprf1y wrote:
I was 172 in January. I started watching what I eat, and working out 3 times a week. Now I'm 159. 150 is my goal. I'm 5'7"
My first race is in 5 weeks, and I want to hit the ground running. I did nothing last year, and paid for it all season.
In fact, I was 160 last winter and wanted to lose 10lbs. I gained 12
That was from March 2009.
I weighed in at 143 lbs a few weeks ago, and after the last 2 weeks of all inclusive eating and drinking, only gained 8 lbs, which I will easily lose again as quickly as I gained it.
10/9/13 1:51 p.m.
ignorant wrote:
thatsnowinnebago wrote:
no yeast? does that mean no beer?
yeah it stinks.. but It's true. I drink a beer and I get an asthma attack. triple distilled vodka or high quality scotch does the trick now.
I realize this is 4 years old now, but is it yeast or gluten? Because there are some decent gluten free beers out there. The one that comes to mind is Prairie Path lager by Two Brothers Brewery out of Warrenville Illinois. We can get it in bottles here, not sure about the rest of the country. They have a pretty scientific looking writeup on it on their website as well. I'll post a link if I remember when I get home from work.
10/9/13 1:53 p.m.
z31maniac wrote:
Starting weight a very bearded and manly 210 @ 5'8"
Current 199, but I can tell I've lost many inches as my clothes are fitting much better than 10lbs would suggest.
As mentioned, goal is 155-160.
I could never get down to 155-160......I haven't weighed that little since I was 5'5" and in 7th grade. I have too big of a frame for my 5'9" body.
I started at 235 this spring, lost my traditional average of 20lbs by playing basketball 2-3 times a week against younglings, and the bike has done the rest. No change in eating habits, and I've noticed pants requiring a belt now......upper body is actually getting a "tone" due to the bike though.