I love my Blackberry. I hate talking on it. That goes for any phone. I'd rather send out an email or text than call someone. I can send an email at 3AM and no one cares. I can't call up someone on a whim like I can with an email.
What I wonder is if this is a generational thing, or if it's because I've worked in a call center. I didn't like phones a lot before working at the call center, but I feel like I like them less now.
I also like that if I'm driving and get a text, it's not a big deal, I'll get around to it when I get where I'm going. If it's a phone call, it seems expected that I answer. I hate talking on the phone and driving. I guess if I had a Bluetooth, it would be one thing, but I don't.
So, where do you guys stand?
I often say that I should build a time machine and go back to kill Bell so he doesn't invent the telephone. but my luck would be that some of the stuff needed for the time machine were a result of phone technology so I would kill him, time machine becomes impossible and I get snapped back to the present time with nothing changed!!
May have already happened...how would I tell?
I don't really like talking on phones but noone calls me and I rarely call other people so it works out pretty well.
I knocking on 22 and I prefer phones. I like talking directly to people. No waiting, and if something is unclear you can ask them on the spot. I really don't like texting. My big nubby fingers aren't made for this crap, or maybe it's the other way around...
Email is pretty informal and good for the reasons you mentioned; that it's not expected you answer immediately. But I find with texts, people expect you to text right back. If you don't, you find 4 or 5 "WTH?" or "Are you there?" texts waiting for you.
New Reader
4/8/10 10:46 p.m.
Hate talking on the phone. Texting/emailing from a BB is my preferred method. I'm 37 but I've worked in several call centers dealing with warranty/customer service for diesel engine companies. I've talked on the phone enough for the rest of my life.
I'll laugh when humanity "advances" far enough to cease putting in the ability to call someone on phone based on lack of general use, then rediscovers it and markets it like the next big thing 
I don't mind a text when its a simple question or statement that requires a yes or no or k as an answer. I've got a guy I do some fabrication work for that wants to have conversations by text. I will respond twice, then stop. If he wants to continue, he can phone me.
I'm 49, hes about 20.
In reply to JeepinMatt:
I'd like push to talk back as a given, like it was on Nextel. I'm not saying it's the killer app for me, but it has a place. Helps keep conversations short. I like that.
I can type almost as fast as I can talk. Not on my BB, but I can on my laptop. That's another reason I'd rather type out an email than call someone.
Calling someone does have good points. I don't want to have a compatibility conversation via email or text. I don't want to go through lists via email, because you're more apt to think of things missing from said list during a conversation.
I do have a bad habit of forgetting to call people. If I forget to email someone, I can do it in the middle of the night.
ever since I got a texty phone, I have made fewer and fewer calls. At work, I answer about 100 calls a day, but I would still rather send an e-mail, and some of my customers text my personal cell, which I like.
I talk on the phone very little; maybe two hours per month. I text a fair amount, though, and really like the ability to send pictures to people. It is especially helpful for work; if I have to take a picture of something, I can just send it directly to an e-mail address in a few seconds.
Last month's bill...
246 minutes (longest call 19 minutes)
3291 texts
Texting, which I used to hate, makes conversations short, and to the point.
I'm 47 (for the moment), and have always hated talking on the telephone, even back when they were connected to the wall instead of riding around in your pocket. Especially after discovering that some of the "hearing protection" I'd used during my enjoyment of our sport over the years hasn't always been as effective as I thought it would have been at the time.
To me, cellphones make it worse. The digital sound sounds "tinny" to me, and with my hearing problems, the higher frequencies of sound have just kind of gone away..
I consider m'self lucky that SWMBO and my daughter are younger women, and would rather send a text before making a phone call. For me, decoding modern text message shorthand (stuff like "whr R U? im @ prklot") language is a lot easier than having to concentrate upon their little thin voices over the earpiece.
Only reason I hate my phone is that it doesn't make a loud enough noise when someone sends me a text. I've probably got three or four messages right now that only say, "R U listnin 2 m?" 
One thing I hate about text messages is the stupid shorthand E36 M3. If you are going to send a message you can at least write it out. It takes all of 2 seconds longer and makes you sound much less illiterate.
Nope, full sentences for me, unless it's something long and you're nearing the upper limits of your char count. Nearly every phone has a keyboard these days, use the damned thing!
VanillaSky wrote:
Nope, full sentences for me, unless it's something long and you're nearing the upper limits of your char count. Nearly every phone has a keyboard these days, use the damned thing!
"char count" huh, Mr Full Sentences? 
Lulz, I've always shortened character to char when referring to text. It's the geek in me.
Seeing "Whr R U " in print assures me sure I'm capable of murder. Is it that berkelying hard to add a-e, yo-? People are lucky the movie "Scanners" isn't real.
I consider phone to be a tool., a neccesary evil of sorts. I've had a celll phone since way back in th 80s, back before many people had them. It was a big ol' Motorola "bag" phone, and iI had to have one because I was running a locksmith van. Take the job info and hang up. I used it less than 20 minutes a month. That shop closed in 1995, and I baought the stock and opened my own for another 9 years; sold it in 2005. That old Bag Phone hung in there for all those years!
I think it's ironic that people had to type out their messages on th telegraph until Bell invented the phone so folke could simply talk. Then cell phones come and kids started texting, which is a huge leap backwrds in technology.
Texting is nice, and since most people only text it ends up being what i use most. I hate talking on the phone in general, but i perfer it to texting. Texting it seems takes about an hour to say what would only take 5 minutes of talking, plus its more of a distraction.
One thing i have noticed however is you cant just get a phone that just makes calls anymore. Everything has all these aps and technology built in thats all great and wonderful but the damn thing never has any reception and drops calls more frequently then they connect. Plus im cheap so i dont pay for any of that extra crap so its all useless.
You can get basic phones these days. A lot of phones have cameras built in, and some jobsites don't allow cameras at all. The low end phones fill in that gap. The only other manufacturer of cameraless phones is RIM (Blackberry).
I totally believe that with all the bans on texting-while-driving that future generations of cell phones will have voice-recognition software to allow you to verbally "text". 
4/9/10 7:17 a.m.
I am an email person.
My voice mail goes to google voice and I get a text transcription emailed to me.
This month I used 20 minutes and 1 text on my phone and a "little" data checking my email.
I don't like phone calls, I don't like texts, Some days I am not even sure I like talking to people.
VanillaSky wrote:
I love my Blackberry. I hate talking on it.
wait.....I can talk on my crackberry?
I spend 9-10 hours a day with the work phone attatched to my ear. IT rings close to 60 times a day on average. When I get home, I refuse to answer the phone.