I know, I know...reality tv is the worst. But, I really like Forged in Fire on History. I have watched nearly every episode, and I am continually both astonished and confounded by it. The smiths really do turn out some great hardware...usually. But, there are dopes who try to get fancy or just flat out miss the mark in designing their knives. You know the judges are going to take handle shape and feel into consideration when they make their decisions. PLAN AHEAD ALREADY!
But I digress, I think its a fun reality show that actually has regular people making things with their hands...somewhat unheard of these days. I have read some of the anecdotal articles online that talk about how theres still plenty of reality-ness baked in...the producers make it look like the first 2 rounds are all happening in a single day, when in reality, its 3 days. Ive also heard mention of fake-reality being added in to "spice up" slower episodes. Things like 24hr epoxy being added into the 1hr stuff to slow it down when assembling handles. Or, when the smiths are forced to use some odd metal (from a sewer grate or a chainsaw), the producers find the cheapest chinese steel possible, but dont really disclose it to the smiths. Ive never found anyone from or tied to the show confirm that stuff tho.
I just really appreciate a show where a combination of skill and creativity makes it on the air in a way that showcases a craft from end to end. Too many "Little Houswives of 600lb Kardashians" on the air right now, with little to nothing to add to society.
Last, I wanted to toss out there that Missus Fury was recently in Pigeon Forge, and visited the forge of Robby Bowman (Season 3 and 4), and he didnt big league anyone. He stopped and talked to her and my MIL for about 20 minutes, signed a shirt for me (had to stay home and dog-sit a sick pup), and stopped for a selfie with them. Apparently you can schedule an 8hr class to "build your own dream knife" with his instruction at his forge. I think that may be my birthday gift to myself next year. Im thinking a recurve bowie is just what the doctor ordered.
Anyone else like the show?
I tried to watch it, but could get into it.
I caught a marathon of it in a hotel room at one point.
I'm really not a fan of reality TV but it was pretty interesting to watch the various ways that they formed the knives. The one that stuck with me was using liquid paper as a release agent when forging canister Damascus. (Hopefully my terminology is correct.) The butterfly sword episode was also awesome.
I go through a phase every few years where I want to take up blacksmithing. That show just made it worse.
6/27/17 8:58 a.m.
I've seen a few episodes. I put it on par with Chopped. Lately I've been watching Alec Steele on YouTube. He does a lot of Damascus work and is currently on his first sword. He was invited to FIF but turned it down to focus on his work and YouTube channel.
Brian wrote:
I've seen a few episodes. I put it on par with Chopped.
That's because it's Chopped with knives.
In reply to The0retical:
Your terminology is correct - canister damascus was made in that episode, and Robby Bowman was featured in that one (tho he was out in the 2nd round). And Im right there with you on wanting to get into the hobby. I actually have a metal casting furnace that could easily double as a small forge. I have a line on a small anvil too
In reply to Gimp:
Doug Marcaida is seriously one of the best parts of that show!
In reply to Brian:
Im a biiig fan of Alec Steele - i want a giant power hammer so that I can make short work of damascus. I wonder if it comes with the epic slow-mo music in the background too
. His forged fidget spinner made me lol because its so silly, but secretly I want one. I also really want one of his damascus American Flag belt buckles.

6/27/17 9:59 a.m.
In reply to scardeal:
I like both knives and food. 
In reply to 4cylndrfury:
I was pulled in by the million layer billet/crambit.
I watch it when I see it on. The metallurgy is interesting. I do worry they will run out of ideas on what to do though. At least they are really doing something that has a somewhat practical application.
I did see the episode with the 24 hour epoxy and thought "why the hell is that even there, what could someone possibly use it for?!?". I also kind of don't like it when someone is making a long blade and just cuts the blade out of sheet steel and forms from there. It's far more interesting (and true to the shows name) when they form long blades by drawing out and forming a block.
I even ended up watching a National Geographic (I think) about the making of the German Ulfberht swords the Vikings used to get made. The whole idea of branding and even cheap knock offs was interesting in itself.

Related: Sort of. Man at Arms, and the subsequent change of venue Man at Arms Reforged, is fun to watch on Youtube. Not super practical (since they're mostly mythical type armaments) but the Russian guy in the new series really seems to know Japanese steel.
Never watched it, but I do watch videos on YouTube of people melting scrap steel or aluminium in homemade crucibles then turning the molten metal into "things".
It is cheap enough to make a crucible and mould, that I would like to try casting some non critical vehicle parts.
6/27/17 11:55 a.m.
The0retical wrote:
Related: Sort of. Man at Arms, and the subsequent change of venue Man at Arms Reforged, is fun to watch on Youtube. Not super practical (since they're mostly mythical type armaments) but the Russian guy in the new series really seems to know Japanese steel.
Ilya is the jam. I've watched these episodes dozens of times.
In reply to aircooled:
You're talking about the Nova episode "Secrets of the Viking Sword". That is a really cool video, talking about wootz or crucible damascus steel.awesome stuff
Brian wrote:
I've seen a few episodes. I put it on par with Chopped. Lately I've been watching Alec Steele on YouTube. He does a lot of Damascus work and is currently on his first sword. He was invited to FIF but turned it down to focus on his work and YouTube channel.
I just happened across his videos a few nights ago. His work is pretty interesting, but his onscreen persona "It's fantastic!!!" and the slo-mo shots of him using the power hammer get pretty grating after a while.
4cylndrfury wrote:
In reply to aircooled:
You're talking about the Nova episode "Secrets of the Viking Sword". That is a really cool video, talking about wootz or crucible damascus steel.awesome stuff
That was a cool show; and my apologies but I read "Miss Fury" as "Miss Furry" and actually laughed out loud.
I've watched it. It's "ok". Clearly they can edit it for the fake drama if they could make the same thing in 30 minutes or 30 days. I just wonder if like chopped or GGG and such they get a glimpse of what they are using/making beforehand. 90% have no time management skills.
7/24/22 4:34 p.m.
It looks interesting but after watching plenty of other reality shows on American television, I just can't
TLC has already taught me how to be a little person and how to treat my uterus like a clown car. I'm not sure there's room for anything else.
I often have it playing in the shop. There's some OTT drama but you really do learn things about metal. I'll often skip over the tests because they're not as interesting as the process.
As shop background filler, it's good. Not sure I'd sit on the couch to watch much of it though. Certainly not on broadcast TV with commercials and the inability to fast forward :)
7/24/22 10:33 p.m.
I don't want to hijack the thread but I literally signed in to GRM to ask this question and found this thread. I'm hoping one of The Hive who might be interested in this thread will be able to answer my question.
A few years ago I found a YT video from a TV show. The premise was "how would we make this (edged weapon) better now if we wanted to make one?" The subject of the show in question was a Katana. The two co-hosts were a short-hair middle-aged Brit and a younger long-haired American. The Brit went to Japan to see their annual making of tamahagane (the steel used for samurai swords) in an enormous block. The American was at a blacksmith in Des Moines, Iowa making the blade out of tool steel. I'm trying to find that video and I can't. Dunno if it's been removed but I'm certain it was some sort of TV show. Does anyone know the episode or the series I'm referring to?
Sounds like it might be a BBC show? Have you tried searching on that basis.
This does not look like it, but semi close: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20181113-how-to-make-a-samurai-sword.
(I am not sure that is even a show, maybe just an article?)
I don't watch Forged in Fire all the time but there is a channel on ota that shows reruns sometimes and I'll watch it and turn my brain off. The craftsmanship is pretty solid.
7/25/22 7:24 a.m.
aircooled said:
Sounds like it might be a BBC show? Have you tried searching on that basis.
Yeah, I tried searching for History, Discovery and BBC. No joy.
8/16/22 8:56 p.m.
stroker said:
aircooled said:
Sounds like it might be a BBC show? Have you tried searching on that basis.
Yeah, I tried searching for History, Discovery and BBC. No joy.
Found it. "Weapon Masters", specifically episode six.
I watch almost zero television, and the few episodes of Forged in Fire I've watched did interest me somewhat. Compared to most of the dreck on tv, it's brilliant.