I know what you're thinking, "Oh lord, there's that mndsm idiot again. Sometimes he's all hepped up on goofballs, other times, he's espousing the virtues of the ms3. Occasionaly he gets a wild idea and it involves a Volvo. Mostly he's useless though." and quite frankly, I don't blame you. But- I need a bit of the ol' advice, and given I have a much more varied demographic here vs. my local t00ner clubs, I figured I'd take this to you guys.
Our local Mazda club is a pretty tight knit community. Recently, we had a new member reveal something to us, that kind of blew us all away. He was scheduled to help another member move, but was unable to do so, as he had his driving priviledges revoked, due to having terminal cancer. Now I don't know exactly the extent, but I do know that as of this posting, he has approx 6 months to go. Which by my math, is 2-3 months of ok, followed by the remainder of his time sucking ass. What we DID learn of him, is that he is a huge car nerd, both real and R/C. Loves his ms6 in fact. So- we decided to maybe put a little something together for him. And that is where things kinda get blurry.....
Me being a shoot first and ask questions later kinda guy, I took over, and all hell broke loose. We went from 10-15 Mazda guys to.... the entire MN Euro Club, all of the Mazda guys, and at least one hot rod club out of Chicago being involved, almost overnight. Safe to say... it got big, fast. Me also being me, I had a website set up for this (knowing computer nerds who like their cars worked on helps a ton) and did the ol' Facebook thing while we were at it. I haven't published a ton of the info anywhere, because I'm trying to lock a few things down first. We have word on a venue for the show following the cruise, that should support 400 cars. If we continue to grow at the rate we're growing, we may well hit capacity. We have a line on Biffys for the event, a possible food setup, and some other ideas in the works, just to keep some funs goin for the man, as it could possibly be his "last ride".
Tentative plan is- Pile of cars meets somewhere that can support pile of cars. Pile of cars convoys to guy, and scoops up guy and guys car (Because ain't no fun if you can't do the deal in your own car) and roll back. Proceed with show awesomeness. We have not set anything up for donations or anything yet, mostly because thusfar, I can afford everything out of pocket (goodbye Konis for this year, but I like philanthropy better anyhow) and to be quite honest, I don't know what the hell to do with the cash. As soon as I get the event location and date (scheduled right now for 08-07-10 if y'all wanna come) locked, I'm going to have pre-registry, so we have an idea of who's going to be there.
What does all of this mean? Not really sure. But- I was hoping to get some ideas/thoughts/opinions/things my dumb ass forgot, so I can pull this off. Tim/Marjorie/powers that be, I hope this isn't stepping on any toes. Not askin' for doughs or handouts, I got it all covered, local like. Just trying to get a gauge of how to handle this beast.