8/20/22 7:17 p.m.
Calabash is a nice growing little town and there are plenty of places between there and wilmington which might suit you nicely.
As a former Maryland native there is little you could do to interest me in any part of the state but especially not B'more. You mention not minding a 30ish minute commute to live outside the area but remember what is on paper 30 minutes can turn into 3 hours with the stupid traffic in that area.
Baltimore County lifer here. There are lovely neighborhoods in the city, at most price points. Be aware that although house prices are lower in the city vs burbs, the Baltimore City property tax rate is about double the surrounding county rates, and no, you don't get more for your money. If you have kids and you want to put them in public schools, study schools and neighborhoods very carefully. I can parse this further and go on and on, but I don't know what your needs are. There is absolutely a neighborhood here for you, regardless of your needs and wants. I can answer specific questions.
The above advice applies to the suburbs as well.
Issues aside, central Maryland is very well located relative to activities up and down the east coast. Beach, mountains, major cities and serious ruralness are within 4 hours or less.
In reply to Uncle David (Forum Supporter) :
Where in BC? There are a few of us here.
In reply to Uncle David (Forum Supporter) :
No kids. Big draw for Baltimore is to be near to my brother and his family in Alexandria so we can pop over on a Saturday and play aunt and uncle to my nieces, but less expensive CoL compared to elsewhere in DC Metro.
Not near accepting a job there yet. Really just a question of if it's even worth pursuing this particular job. I think the potential for Baltimore, plus being an hour drive from brother is solid enough to start the process.
I'll be back asking about particular neighborhoods later if things get farther.
8/20/22 9:46 p.m.
Baron, if MD really interests you shoot me an email jim at misfittoysracing dot com or if you are on FB find me there under Jim Thwaite. I can make an introduction to an acquaintance of mine who started a brewery there a few years ago and has been successful enough that he's breaking ground on a whole new operation, might be a mutually beneficial thing for you two to chat.
I'm in the City of Falls Church. I would not move to Baltimore with kids. That being said we are looking at Maryland once the kiddos graduate.
To scope it, SWMBO is an Autism advocate and our oldest is moderately effected.
FlightService said:
I would not move to Baltimore with kids.
We have no kids and no intention to have kids.
So, know it that getting to NOVA in a timely manner to visit with family, and knowing Frederick. I'd recommend Ellicott City, Catonsville, Arbutus or Odenton as spots outside of Baltimore. Access to 95, 295 and 32 would make getting south easy. And Frederick and Columbia (the town, not district) would both be easily accessible for relaxing and work related studying/research.
Also, expect to get drawn into a challenge team and to be dragged out to some autocrosses. There's a few others who've responded here that are lucky that they haven't had a DM fired their way as of yet.
Captdownshift (Forum Supporter) said:
... getting to NOVA in a timely manner ...
timely manner should be air quoted.
Captdownshift (Forum Supporter) said:
So, know it that getting to NOVA in a timely manner to visit with family, and knowing Frederick. I'd recommend Ellicott City, Catonsville, Arbutus or Odenton as spots outside of Baltimore. Access to 95, 295 and 32 would make getting south easy. And Frederick and Columbia (the town, not district) would both be easily accessible for relaxing and work related studying/research.
Poking around Zillow and Maps, that is basically the conclusion I came to. Suburbs, parks, easier route to Alexandria. Getting on 40 would basically take me strait to that brewery.
Brooklyn Park or Linthicum heights looked like they have potential, but I think I'd want to be farther away from BWI and amongst more parks.
AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) said:
timely manner should be air quoted.
It's a 7 hour drive now. If we're an hour away, that means we can do easy day trips out there to play Aunt and Uncle.
Also, expect to get drawn into a challenge team and to be dragged out to some autocrosses. There's a few others who've responded here that are lucky that they haven't had a DM fired their way as of yet.
Oh. No. Don't. The horror.
In reply to Steve_Jones :
Near the top of 795
In reply to Beer Baron :
Ellicott City/Catonsville to that brewery is @50 mins during rush hour. Just and FYI. If you're not doing 9-5 hours, it's 20 at most.
In reply to Beer Baron :
For locations, stick to Captdownshift's suggestions. They are spot on, though Ellicott City can be expensive. If you're willing to go as far as Odenton, then also look at Severn and Pasadena.
Baltimore and the area around it changes dramatically block by block, and neighborhood by neighborhood. Hugely so.
Baltimore city itself has very high taxes and insurance rates.
Don't underestimate the traffic.
They "have decided not to move forward" with my application. 
I don't mind not getting this job. I'm kinda bummed to not even get an interview. Wish I knew what my resume was lacking.
The other job got nixed by location. With the requirement that my wife be able to play rugby, nearest rugby is an hour from the job in Wilmington NC. Realistically that would have had us living in Shalotte NC. She grimmaced at the thought of living in a 4,000 person town and having to drive 45 minutes to play rugby.