Absolutely no hurry shipping it. Its for under the Christmas tree, so we have 76 days. I'll contact them tomorrow to let them know that you're coming. I'll try and PM you to give you that shipping address, and get yours, so I can send you money.
Thanks again.
If you ever need anything in Chicago, you gotta guy.
In reply to Appleseed :
My wife has not been amused that I found that site.
Stuart, they are not there on the weekends. The lady said we have 2 weeks, but she can hold on to it longer if nessesary. Just let me know when you'd like to go get it and I'll let them know. No hurry at all. They are nice people to work with.
In reply to Appleseed :
That's interesting - I know the store is open on Saturdays, but I guess the people running the auctions must just be there on weekdays. Let's shoot for the first part of next week, Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday will work for me (make sure to find out their hours so I can get there before they leave for the day.)
Let's just do Wednesday. That way I can contact them and let them know. I'll try to pm you this weekend so I can give you my shipping info and get yours for payment.
Thanks as always.
In reply to Appleseed :
Works for me. I'll await your PM.
The PM failed, Stuart. Dunno why. We are good to go for Wednesday.
My emai1l is k4rt80y@yahoo
10/16/18 8:17 a.m.
Appleseed said:
The PM failed, Stuart. Dunno why. We are good to go for Wednesday.
My emai1l is k4rt80y@yahoo
Because you have yahoo. Won't let you send, they think it is spoofing your email.
Oh, well. Ain't getting a new one. Hope Stu see this in time.
Appleseed said:
The PM failed, Stuart. Dunno why. We are good to go for Wednesday.
Sorry, I didn't see your post until just now....don't know what happened with the PM. I sent an email to your address.
E-mail received and reply sent. 
Appleseed said:
E-mail received and reply sent. 
Check your email, I sent a few more questions - just want to make sure I have all the particulars correct.
I picked up the train set this morning. Let me know how you want it shipped - US Post Office, UPS, FedEx, Pony Express? 
Just us the USPS. No need to call/drive all over to save $.50. Should be right around $25 if my post office was correct. Send it the regular, slow, cheap way. I'm in no hurry.
You rule. Thank you.