9/17/20 2:56 a.m.
Endicott, to be more precise.
I found a Vintage Air setup that should fit my car and is an incredible deal, but the owner refuses to ship it. He just lowered his price to free, so time is of the essence to get it out of his hands before he tosses it or gives it to someone else.
Would eventually end up in the Chicagoland area, if things went the way I would like.
I'm not close. About 3 hours.
I will be headed to Scranton in a week or two and could get it then, but it will likely be gone by then.
In reply to Cooter :
I am 2 hours each way. Several others are well under 1 hour each way.
9/17/20 8:44 a.m.
I am 2 hours away from Binghamton (I'm in Rome, NY) but I don't really have much room to store stuff
9/17/20 11:55 a.m.
I'd really rather not make someone go hours out of their way. There would be compensation involved for your time and trouble, but you probably would not be "entitled to SUBSTANTIAL COMPENSATION" as in the lawsuit commercials.
I could ask if he could hold it, but I'm sure it is a FCFS kinda deal.
Iceracer to the white courtesy phone please
If the item is now offered for Free, how much would you have to offer him to ship it?
What makes this easiest on the seller? Could you email him a pre-paid shipping label? Then he just has to get a box and slap on the label? Will this fit in a USPS flat rate box?
9/17/20 2:36 p.m.
Shipping is a non-starter. It is the entire A/C system, hoses, compressor, and all.
Seller said:
I took it out of my car have all the parts the instructions and manuals complete set up worked great kicker is I can't ship it way to heavy and to big to mess with
Easiest for the seller is someone showing up and getting it out of his way, ASAP.
9/17/20 2:42 p.m.
These are the dimensions of the evaporator unit alone.

What about all the seller has to do is be there they do the rest. You don't pay the shipper until you get the item.
I'm located about half way. If someone can get it here, it can stay here for a while.

9/17/20 3:54 p.m.
That would help a bunch.
Heck, if someone could just grab it locally, I could try to figure out the rest. I would just make a beeline out there, but I don't know how that would fly, as Illinois in on the quarantine list when traveling to New York. I need to see if I have to quarantine if I am ony in the state for a couple of hours.
9/17/20 3:56 p.m.
If he can drop it at the UPS store, they have a packing service that, while not cheap, is better than him tossing it in the trash. If you can get hold of a local location and let them know what is going on, all he has to do is drop it off, then they pack it up and ship to you for whatever the going rate is.
9/17/20 4:20 p.m.
He is not going to do that. You can keep trying to argue that point with me, but he is not going to drag it all to a store to ship. The last item I did the pack and ship myself with that service was 30" by 30" by 6" and weighed 5 lbs. That was nearly $300 by itself, and this is far bigger, heavier, and harder to pack.
Someone will score it. It's $1K worth of A/C setup.
I want that someone to be me.
9/18/20 11:03 a.m.
In reply to Cooter :
I was trying to offer a suggestion that might let you get it to you without him having to actually pack it, if that was his hang-up.
In reply to TRoglodyte :
I'm several hours away also, If that was the question
9/20/20 12:57 p.m.
After 24+ hours on the road, here it is. (Including over an hour talking Patrick's ear off in a sleep-deprived, caffeine-blitzed state- Sorry about that)

Seller told me that he had two guys saying they would come right over and take it as soon as I sent my message, so I'm glad he honored his promise to hold it until I was able to drive out there.
There is hardly any use on it; it was on a show car that didn't see any real driving.