Well, We made it back and got the slanted goods unloaded.
The trip this time was from Irwin to the Lake Orion, Michigan area, with an overnight stop at the East harbor State park Campground on the way back.
The trip went fine except for an encounter on a Michigan State forest road where they might have been spraying salt water??!!?!? on the dirt road and also the wagon's smog pump started making some unsavory noises (solved by pulling the belt off for now - A replacement is secured).
We started out Early, about Midnight: (the night driving affords the easiest traffic, less stop and go, and the opportunity to get through the I75 corridor in Detroit before 6AM).

We made it to the Lake Orion area about 5:30 Thursday Morning and while fueling up and waiting for a restaurant to open, we got to watch the sunrise.

After our breakfast we were early for our meetup who was ~3 miles away.
We found an nice little area - Bald Mountain State Recreation Area nearby, where we rode the bikes, checked out the lake in the morning, and just hung out for a while.

The lake even had what seems to be a stat owned water park? Very cool, but we could not stay for that.

We had more important things scheduled for this trip:
2 Alloy Slant 6 blocks to be had -

The deal was completed and we loaded them up to head back down I75 towards Port Clinton, Ohio / East Harbor State park for our Lakeside camping session.

Fortunately we beat the mayflies this summer due to the cooler lake temperatures during the week of our travel. Maybe by now they are out and on land? who knows.
We got camp setup and had a blast fishing, riding bikes and just enjoying the scenery along the lakeside.

The next morning we had pancakes and some more beach time.

After we made it home, we got unloaded and documented some of the finds.
It was another fantastic Disco Wagon on Vacation! trip.
Thanks to Charrlie S for posting the AL block information, and to John Welsh and other Port Clinton local types for Mayfly guidance!