Also, shortly after my last post last year, I suffered a soft-tissue injury and had to sit out several weeks, which totally berkeleyed my marathon training. So I Bob Costas’d out and gave my bib to my old Martial Arts instructor and he ran under my name because it was too late to transfer it to his name. I haven’t run since. I don’t miss running. But I miss my running buddies and I miss being in shape, so after the Challenge I’m going to start running again. Not training, just running.
I just signed up for a 5k tough mudder
Just did an XC race that I had been kind of training for but a broken derauiller cable turned that into a E36 M3 show... Broke between mile 14 and 15 so a lot of pushing and coasting down hill after a long stop to try to fix it really sucked.
Now just getting ready to do a bikepacking trip in Northern Georgia at the start of November.
I'm riding my bike three times a week now. Haven't missed a ride in over two weeks. I always start a stopwatch (one of the old-fashioned ones, that you wind up--it has hands!) when I leave and check my time when I get back. I tell myself that I'm pretty fast for an old man, and after I get past 60 I should start competing. I figure that due to attrition, I might actually be competitive in my age bracket. 
I'm just trying to get more fit. My legs are a pinned together broken mess, so it's a bit more difficult. Running is off of the table, and that used to be my go-to, since it was easy to just decide to change clothes and jog 5 miles. Going that far just walking takes too long for me to do it regularly.
I'm planning on spending quality time on the eliptical machines. I'd like to have a goal like joining the 1000 lb. club, but the legs hold that back quite a bit, too. Instead, I think I'll just concentrate on getting back into the 36 inch waist club for now.
9/13/19 4:48 p.m.
Does quitting smoking count?
In reply to stroker :
hell yes it does! you're training to live longer.
9/13/19 5:24 p.m.
I'm training to run a 6 hour hare scramble next month.
It's hard to build endurance in the woods without taking all my time so I go to the motocross track and run 1 hour motos at full MX speed and try to do it without sitting. It's hard on the legs but it works.
stroker said:
Does quitting smoking count?
Hell, yes! Having dated someone who was addicted, I know it's no easy devil to beat. I wish you success!
I'm training my English skills to learn, to spread and develop my website .
In reply to fredschutte :
Your canoe skills are good.
According to my wife of 5 years I’m still in training
My wife is training for another marathon and I am “sympathy training” 4 runs a week. Up to 30mi/wk and and not loving it. Bless people who do these all the time.
I am counting it as training to survive in my drag car longer in sfi 20 fire suit without passing out. Similar effort.