9/25/12 8:14 p.m.
I missed the first episode, but watched the second one last night.
Take your basic Star Wars good versus evil rebels vs empire minus outer space and lasers, add in a sprinkle of Hunger Games with a plucky teenage girl who can hunt, add in a bit of unsolvable mystery ala Lost, and there you have it.
I'll watch it again next week. It's better than watching the same episodes of Pawn Stars or Yukon Men over and over again.
it's about time they did a gritty reboot on "The Visionaries" cartoon series from the mid 80's.
And folks, this is what pissed me off out of all the inaccuracies.
I saw this in the preview for next week. I'm a stickler for detail. Especially when you're going to reference real towns. Anybody can use Google Maps. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that St. Anne, IL doesn't have a river crossing. Anywhere. The location scouts really should have looked at a map. If they wanted a Kankakee River crossing, they could have used Kankakee, Aroma Park, Sun River Terrace, or Momence. The only reason I know this is because I work in this area. I know the 99.9% of the people who are going to watch this aren't going to give two E36 M3s, but it still irks me. 

The thing that also got me is how far they walked in such a short period of time. From Chicago to Pontiac, IL it took them a day or so. According to Google Maps, it would take 30 hours to walk 93 miles. So I guess that's possible following railroad tracks (which it seems they were) or main roads.
Also they locked a guy up in a boxcar. He caught up to them later and when he got questioned on how he escaped, he said that he was pretty sure he broke all the bones in his hand punching his way through the wood. Um, yeah, Boxcars have been steel since the 1940's. And punching your way out? C'mon.
I will agree that this is better than watching repeats. But all my fall shows are kicking back into gear in the next few weeks. I may loose interest in this if it doesn't get it's E36 M3 together.
I watched a bit of the first episode...
No berkeleying steam engines? Seriously? I would rule that place.
Hell, the Illinois Railway museum in Union isn't really that far away from these locations. There's your steam right there
Appleseed wrote:
Hell, the Illinois Railway museum in Union isn't really that far away from these locations. There's your steam right there
The problem is they don't have any working steam right now 
And the one Steam Loco they are working on, they have had to send parts out to be repaired.
Uh oh, my logic is kicking in. 
I'd like to think apocalyptic events would be a proper motivator.
I'm sort of on the fence about this series.
On one hand I really don't want to support it since it's basically ripped, and I mean blatantly ripped off, the entire S.M. Stirling "The Emberverse" off with no citation what so ever, even down to gunpowder no longer working.
On the other hand it could be an interesting referendum on how humanity would react to losing technology and has the potential to be interesting, but Stirlings books were interesting so at least it has that going for it.
9/26/12 8:25 a.m.
Once I heard the premise i was interested, then I watched a little and my logical brain kicked in:

Someone needs to get the huevos to make this series into a TV show:
You want gritty post apocalyptic? William W. Johnstone gave it in spades with the Ashes series.
The0retical wrote:
I, even down to gunpowder no longer working.
Gunpowder works in this show, the militia has guns. The scrubs have black powder rifles and their squad leader has some sort of semi auto and gun.
I guess I can suspend my belief in physics etc, that doesn't bother me. The acting isn't all that good.
Neat concept, poorly executed.
Osterkraut wrote:
I watched a bit of the first episode...
No berkeleying steam engines? Seriously? I would rule that place.
Actually - if electricity ceased to work at a (gone from physics level) not only would our bodies not function, the berkeleying universe would just kinda fall apart. How is that for a plot hole? DOH!
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
And folks, this is what pissed me off out of all the inaccuracies.
I saw this in the preview for next week. I'm a stickler for detail. Especially when you're going to reference real towns. Anybody can use Google Maps. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that St. Anne, IL doesn't have a river crossing. Anywhere. The location scouts really should have looked at a map. If they wanted a Kankakee River crossing, they could have used Kankakee, Aroma Park, Sun River Terrace, or Momence. The only reason I know this is because I work in this area. I know the 99.9% of the people who are going to watch this aren't going to give two E36 M3s, but it still irks me.
Railroad crossing? St Anne does seem to have a railroad on the edge of town.
I forget the name of the program, but it was on discovery. They had a group of people try to survive in New Orleans shortly after the hurricane. It was a reality show. They ended up distilling their own fuel for a tractor. Built a windmill. Neat concept.
In reply to sachilles:
That was the second season of "The Colony" both seasons are on Netflix and both involve viral outbreak scenarios
In reply to rebelgtp:
I thought the show was kind of neat, but a little too much interference from the producers.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
Osterkraut wrote:
I watched a bit of the first episode...
No berkeleying steam engines? Seriously? I would rule that place.
Actually - if electricity ceased to work at a (gone from physics level) not only would our bodies not function, the berkeleying universe would just kinda fall apart. How is that for a plot hole? DOH!
Exactly. When my asked me why I kept getting angry at the show I said "If electricity and magnetism stopped working, every single atom in our bodies would come apart. Show me a show about that."
sachilles wrote:
The0retical wrote:
I, even down to gunpowder no longer working.
Gunpowder works in this show, the militia has guns. The scrubs have black powder rifles and their squad leader has some sort of semi auto and gun.
Woops, thanks for clearing that up. Guess I ought to watch it instead of just basing my opinions off of the previews. Seemed just seemed a little too ripped off for my taste (Bows and arrows as the weapon of choice, energy no longer obeying the laws of physics due to an "event", even down to the passenger jet crashing in the town right at the start.)
...but electricity does still work in the show. The lady at the end of the show is communicating with someone via computer. It's just not available to the masses for whatever reason.
It stopped working during 'the event' and some indefinite period thereafter. For something like that to actually happen worldwide, the human race would have a hell of a lot more to worry about than cold coffee and lack of toilet paper.
sachilles wrote:
...but electricity does still work in the show. The lady at the end of the show is communicating with someone via computer. It's just not available to the masses for whatever reason.
So... not one person in the entire show thought to generate some?
Retarded. Maybe they didn't think of it because our bodies use electrical synapses to operate and they all died. Welcome to Lost II. Revenge of the Unemployable Fiction Writers Guild.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
sachilles wrote:
...but electricity does still work in the show. The lady at the end of the show is communicating with someone via computer. It's just not available to the masses for whatever reason.
So... not one person in the entire show thought to generate some?
Apparently at least two people did. Unless it was a coconut computer that the professor and Gilligan whipped up. Of course that begs the question of where you'd get coconuts in post apocalyptic Chicago.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
sachilles wrote:
...but electricity does still work in the show. The lady at the end of the show is communicating with someone via computer. It's just not available to the masses for whatever reason.
So... not one person in the entire show thought to generate some?
Retarded. Maybe they didn't think of it because our bodies use electrical synapses to operate and they all died. Welcome to Lost II. Revenge of the Unemployable Fiction Writers Guild.
Some of MY electrical synapses are firing...
Oooooo, next week Steam Power!