AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) said:
This is what I mean by tangents. You are crying about the Civil War, Confederates and LGBTQ+ issues.
I have friends in Texas who open carry 24/7 because of hate crimes they've received. I personally, working as an ICU nurse during COVID had a death threat about every week from Summer 2020 until early spring 2022 for our masking policy. There's others on this forum who've got similar stories, but the point is that if you can't see the issue with a political party scapegoating a minority, calling them subhuman and calling for violence against them, you're apart of the problem.
I literally cannot for the life of me understand why no one cares about the economic future of anyone younger than themselves.
There's a politician who recently revealed their budget that plans to cut the deficit by nearly $3 trillion. If you're willing to read it, I'll post it.
Let me guess...... it's all my fault right? Please explain.
Your persecution complex is cute. Pro tip: just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right.
What's worse, the small forest fire every ten years or the huge one you get from preventing small ones for a century?
In reply to GIRTHQUAKE :
I have no idea what the plan is or who is proposing it but please be very cautious about "deficit" reduction proposals.
Debt is our current state...we're currently ~31.5 trillion in debt.
Deficit is the rate of FY 2022 we spent 1.38 trillion more than we took in from tax receipts.
Some politicians have cranked the deficit up to say 3.00 trillion and then reduced it to say 2.00 trillion and then announced that they have "reduced the deficit by 1.00 trillion". Although this is technically true, it is of course intended to mislead people into thinking we're headed in the right direction. No, no we're not headed in the right direction...we're still piling debt on at a rate of 2.00 trillion per year in this example.
3/21/23 12:41 p.m.
AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) said:
This is what I mean by tangents. You are crying about the Civil War, Confederates and LGBTQ+ issues.
I have friends in Texas who open carry 24/7 because of hate crimes they've received. I personally, working as an ICU nurse during COVID had a death threat about every week from Summer 2020 until early spring 2022 for our masking policy. There's others on this forum who've got similar stories, but the point is that if you can't see the issue with a political party scapegoating a minority, calling them subhuman and calling for violence against them, you're apart of the problem.
I literally cannot for the life of me understand why no one cares about the economic future of anyone younger than themselves.
There's a politician who recently revealed their budget that plans to cut the deficit by nearly $3 trillion. If you're willing to read it, I'll post it.
Let me guess...... it's all my fault right? Please explain.
Your persecution complex is cute. Pro tip: just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right.
This is exactly what Im talking about. They have convinced you that they are the fiscally responsible ones, when none of them are. They talk about cutting the deficit, not the debt, do you know what we are still running? A deficit. We ran a 1.4 TRILLION dollar deficit last year, but its okay they are the responsible ones. Do you know what its projected to be this year? 1.4 TRILLION.
They battle on the fringes and convince people they are doing something, while telling their rich donors "nothing will fundamentally change."
Let them convince you they care about you and will do something to help you and these social issues, while they do nothing. They cant fix the social issues, they are the smoke and mirrors they need to obscure their actual dealings. While they grow the federal government, raise taxes, enrichen their friends and grow the debt. Fall into the trap. I think of a specific supreme court case recently which one party has talked about codifying it for a long time and had multiple chances to do just that, but they didnt and it got overturned recently in the court. The answer was the other guys are the bad guys, they did this, and the solution was give us more money, we promise we will fix it this time.
Mind you Im talking about both of the major political parties robbing you.
Opti said:
AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) said:
This is what I mean by tangents. You are crying about the Civil War, Confederates and LGBTQ+ issues.
I have friends in Texas who open carry 24/7 because of hate crimes they've received. I personally, working as an ICU nurse during COVID had a death threat about every week from Summer 2020 until early spring 2022 for our masking policy. There's others on this forum who've got similar stories, but the point is that if you can't see the issue with a political party scapegoating a minority, calling them subhuman and calling for violence against them, you're apart of the problem.
I literally cannot for the life of me understand why no one cares about the economic future of anyone younger than themselves.
There's a politician who recently revealed their budget that plans to cut the deficit by nearly $3 trillion. If you're willing to read it, I'll post it.
Let me guess...... it's all my fault right? Please explain.
Your persecution complex is cute. Pro tip: just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right.
This is exactly what Im talking about. They have convinced you that they are the fiscally responsible ones, when none of them are. They talk about cutting the deficit, not the debt, do you know what we are still running? A deficit. We ran a 1.4 TRILLION dollar deficit last year, but its okay they are the responsible ones. Do you know what its projected to be this year? 1.4 TRILLION.
They battle on the fringes and convince people they are doing something, while telling their rich donors "nothing will fundamentally change."
Let them convince you they care about you and will do something to help you and these social issues, while they do nothing. They cant fix the social issues, they are the smoke and mirrors they need to obscure their actual dealings. While they grow the federal government, raise taxes, enrichen their friends and grow the debt. Fall into the trap. I think of a specific supreme court case recently which one party has talked about codifying it for a long time and had multiple chances to do just that, but they didnt and it got overturned recently in the court. The answer was the other guys are the bad guys, they did this, and the solution was give us more money, we promise we will fix it this time.
Mind you Im talking about both of the major political parties robbing you.
Modern Monetary Theory says that debt and deficits don't matter.
Soon the Federal Reserve will present Central Bank Digital Currency to save us all. It will track all of your spending and eventually control what you can spend money on. By 2030 you will own nothing and be happy.
RX Reven' said:
In reply to GIRTHQUAKE :
I have no idea what the plan is or who is proposing it but please be very cautious about "deficit" reduction proposals.
Debt is our current state...we're currently ~31.5 trillion in debt.
Deficit is the rate of FY 2022 we spent 1.38 trillion more than we took in from tax receipts.
Some politicians have cranked the deficit up to say 3.00 trillion and then reduced it to say 2.00 trillion and then announced that they have "reduced the deficit by 1.00 trillion". Although this is technically true, it is of course intended to mislead people into thinking we're headed in the right direction. No, no we're not headed in the right direction...we're still piling debt on at a rate of 1.00 trillion per year in this example.
Thank you, I appreciate it. I routinely have to pull up active budget ideas in one monitor, and contrast it in a second to actually see the alterations and changes in a direct comparison. National Debt is rapidly becoming this can we're kicking down the road, just like the wars started that are the cause of their cost. I fear it'll only change when there's no longer any choice.
3/21/23 1:49 p.m.
In reply to AAZCD-Jon (Forum Supporter) :
Yah Modern Monetary Theory is dumb. There is some debate but it seems to be based in Keynesian economics to me which is equally dumb. Unfortunately most in power disagree, and it will probably require a massive collapse before people actually say "Well that didnt work."
Opti said:
In reply to AAZCD-Jon (Forum Supporter) :
Yah Modern Monetary Theory is dumb. There is some debate but it seems to be based in Keynesian economics to me which is equally dumb. Unfortunately most in power disagree, and it will probably require a massive collapse before people actually say "Well that didnt work."
^ This. Janet Yellen just went on record saying "deficit spending wasn't a major cause of inflation" which, although I didn't think it was possible, managed to take the dumb meter past Jerome Powell's "inflation is transitory" statement.
I do statistical analysis for a living and I've never once said "A caused B", I'll say there's a 90% chance that "A caused B" because I see that some significant variables weren't included in my model and/or I've got some measurement error and/or I've got some scatter in my data (drift between the population and the sample).
Edit - R Squared Values
I wish economists had the same level of humility that statisticians do...come to think of it, maybe the good one's do but their voices get drowned out by the hacks that make definitive statements..."deficit spending wasn't a major cause of inflation" and how exactly do you know that given that it flies in the face of basic, basic economic theory???

Thank you, I appreciate it. I routinely have to pull up active budget ideas in one monitor, and contrast it in a second to actually see the alterations and changes in a direct comparison. National Debt is rapidly becoming this can we're kicking down the road, just like the wars started that are the cause of their cost. I fear it'll only change when there's no longer any choice.
"Becoming"? Hell, we've been kicking that particular can down the road for the better part of 50 years, though it has certainly accelerated in the last few.
3/21/23 3:00 p.m.
In reply to RX Reven' :
Youre absolutely correct. There are plenty of good or humble economists, I just think like everything else you have tons of opinions saying whatever you want, and you just go find the one "prove" your plan is the best. These economic models are largely used as a justification for policy. Once they gain popularity with the ruling class they gain traction in the institutions. You dont want your spokesperson to be unsure, you want a true believer.
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I bolded a specific point.
Opti said:
This is exactly what Im talking about. They have convinced you that they are the fiscally responsible ones, when none of them are. They talk about cutting the deficit, not the debt, do you know what we are still running? A deficit. We ran a 1.4 TRILLION dollar deficit last year, but its okay they are the responsible ones. Do you know what its projected to be this year? 1.4 TRILLION.
They battle on the fringes and convince people they are doing something, while telling their rich donors "nothing will fundamentally change."
Let them convince you they care about you and will do something to help you and these social issues, while they do nothing. They cant fix the social issues, they are the smoke and mirrors they need to obscure their actual dealings. While they grow the federal government, raise taxes, enrichen their friends and grow the debt. Fall into the trap. I think of a specific supreme court case recently which one party has talked about codifying it for a long time and had multiple chances to do just that, but they didnt and it got overturned recently in the court. The answer was the other guys are the bad guys, they did this, and the solution was give us more money, we promise we will fix it this time.
Mind you Im talking about both of the major political parties robbing you.
So I'm supposed to magically ignore this? I'm supposed to let people harass and attack other members of this nation because it's all apart of some conspiracy? Am I supposed to scare off the next state stripping marriage licenses from gays by quoting tax statistics over 50 years at them? It's not enough that you claim "They" "convinced" me- if you ever asked instead of strawmanning, you'd know "they" didn't- it's that they're doing it right here right now, and historically this will hurt and kill people, and your reaction is to point fingers. Do I need to point to all the times in the last century alone, where powerful groups scapegoated minorities for their issues and what happened to them?
I could continue raw-dogging your arguments, but someone who has this magical built-up image of The Girthquake in his head and refuses to ask why he believes something isn't worth debating. You're pathetic.
And I thought we weren't supposed to get political on this board. That isn't true. We usually have at least one or two "non-political" political threads on this board at all times. Let's at least call a duck, a duck.