I recently bought a good used 19 hp B&S engine that was originally installed on a Generac generator. The end of the crankshaft is tapered with a threaded hole to attach it directly to the generator's armature shaft. A through bolt held the two together. It came with a part that appears to be made by a machinist that has a matching tapered hole with a hole in the end for a retaining bolt. So my question is, what's the best way to attach a centrifugal clutch.
I made the mistake of trying to seek help direct from B&S this morning. I called them and they sent me to Generac, who sent me to the nearest Generac dealer, who sent me back to B&S but with a different phone number which got me in touch with a human being in a reasonable length of time. However, he could only give me the don't do it, it's unsafe, if I told you different and you got hurt you could sue me, only in America line. He told me the correct answer is to replace the crankshaft but then said and what would I do at home, if it were mine . . . well, I can't tell you that. That gave me some hope.
What I 've come up with is to take the machined part I got to a machine shop and have them turn it down to fit the i.d. of the cent. clutch and machine a 1/4" keyway in it.
What would you do?