At least high school kids in Texas...
Kid bullied for driving a Miata
I feel like a Miata owner's club should organize the worlds largest miata meet in Frisco,TX
Imagine the shock the town would be in when that many hairdressers showed up at once.
The original Reddit thread is here:
And now it looks like the local news station is picking up on it. It sucks that the Miata owner has to put up with that kind of E36 M3 and the school ain't doing squat, but hopefully some negative press will get them to do something. The school is not liable for damage to the car, but it is responsible for helping keep the school a safe learning environment for the students. They appear to be failing to live up to that responsibility.
Step 1: Turn windshield washer nozzles around.
Step 2: Devise 'alarm' system that activates when sufficient force is applied to the hood.
Step 4: Connect pepper spray fogger to windshield washer nozzles.
Step 5:
Step 6: Profit
On a happier note, the other day I had some guy yell at/to me that "Miatas aren't gay!"
But I'm in Washington state, on the ocean side, rather than Texas, so yeah.
I can be to Frisco in 16 hours. I don't own a miata, but I'm not a huge fan of bullies. Who's with me?
In reply to mndsm:
I could use the exercise...I am 6'4" and 240 if you think that would help?
Redneck high schoolers are the worst. I was raised in Appalachia-America. I know.
SnowMongoose wrote: On a happier note, the other day I had some guy yell at/to me that "Miatas aren't gay!" But I'm in Washington state, on the ocean side, rather than Texas, so yeah.
Well, the guy yelling it would probably know, being from Washington state and all, he probably was gay and hitting on you
I'm on the fence with this one. Nobody has the right to not have their feelings hurt. The Miata is a provocative car for what it is, and among a bunch of teenagers, only you can make the choice of how much you want to stand out.
Now, the actual physical damage? Thats bullE36 M3. I feel that the school has some responsiblity.
Rednecks attacking something which deep inside threatens their sexual identity? Who'd a thunk it? I caught hell for driving those faggy little British cars way back when, ain't nothing new.
Is this the first kid in Texas to drive a Miata to school? Seems unlikely. Whatever happened to the unwritten rule that you don't screw with someone else's car? Yes, people do suck way more than you think. It's what happens when good people stand by and do nothing.
I say we all chip in for a Flyin Miata turbo kit for his Miata, paint the car pink, then stage some grudge matches!
I live in semi-rural east Texas. A generation ago all of the rednecks would have been white. Now they are mixed race groups of ignorant a-holes. It'll take another whole generation (or two as generations are very frequently 17 years apart) and gay rednecks won't be a problem. They'll probably still hate Mistas though.
SVreX wrote: I say we all chip in for a Flyin Miata turbo kit for his Miata, paint the car pink, then stage some grudge matches!
Call it the pinkin?
i can't help but wonder how much of this story hasn't been told online yet? maybe they left out the part where he was calling everyone that drives a pickup a backwoods redneck and generally just being a douchenozzle or whatever when the other kids made their initial comments about it being a hairdresser's car or whatever...
also, the word "bully" is once again misused. getting sick of seeing that word connected to every incident that involves one kid interacting with another kid and one of them not being totally happy with the results of the interaction..
that being said, we used to pick on the kid in school that drove a Festiva.. well, we didn't really "pick on" him, but it didn't take too long to figure out that 6 bigger kids can pick one of them up and put it sideways in the parallel parking spot on the street and the front of the car wouldn't even impede traffic.. it turns out that retroactively we were just evil homophobic bullies since the kid turned out to be gay...
novaderrik wrote: i can't help but wonder how much of this story hasn't been told online yet? maybe they left out the part where he was calling everyone that drives a pickup a backwoods redneck and generally just being a douchenozzle or whatever when the other kids made their initial comments about it being a hairdresser's car or whatever...
Well, we have what the kid has shared. Any thing else at this point is speculation, which is frankly unwarranted, and, if I may speculate, most likely not true.
novaderrik wrote: also, the word "bully" is once again misused. getting sick of seeing that word connected to every incident that involves one kid interacting with another kid and one of them not being totally happy with the results of the interaction..
No, it is not misused.
Merriam-Webster said: Noun : a blustering browbeating person; especially : one habitually cruel to others who are weaker; Verb: 1 : to treat abusively 2 : to affect by means of force or coercion ; to use browbeating language or behavior
Now, let's not focus on the usage of the word 'weaker' in conjunction with the noun. While it's often the case (hence the use of the word 'especially',) it is in no way indicative of every case.
I cannot speculate on other incidences of alleged misuse to which you speak, but I can unreservedly disagree with your opinion that this is not bullying. If you're damaging someone's car simply because it does not agree with your undoubtedly world-traveled tastes, then you are being a bully.
I agree with Esoteric's definition of bullying.
It's one thing to tease him on his choice of car.. but quite another to damage it
I'm sure this kid provoked the non-bullies. Homophobic bigots have never attacked someone unprovoked! This is certainly the non victims fault.
novaderrik wrote: i can't help but wonder how much of this story hasn't been told online yet? maybe they left out the part where he was calling everyone that drives a pickup a backwoods redneck and generally just being a douchenozzle or whatever when the other kids made their initial comments about it being a hairdresser's car or whatever... also, the word "bully" is once again misused. getting sick of seeing that word connected to every incident that involves one kid interacting with another kid and one of them not being totally happy with the results of the interaction.. that being said, we used to pick on the kid in school that drove a Festiva.. well, we didn't really "pick on" him, but it didn't take too long to figure out that 6 bigger kids can pick one of them up and put it sideways in the parallel parking spot on the street and the front of the car wouldn't even impede traffic.. it turns out that retroactively we were just evil homophobic bullies since the kid turned out to be gay...
I think you guys might have missed novaderrick's point.
I don't think he meant that this act falls short of the definition of bullying.
I think he meant it exceeds it.
While bullying was certainly going on, criminal vandalism also was. And perhaps hate crimes, or criminal conspiracy.
Or perhaps, novaderrick was referring to the rather stupid typo in the headline which claims the CAR was bullied.
To that extent, the word was certainly misused.
And I think it is premature to jump on nova, when he is obviously right, regardless of what he meant. You guys might be over-reacting.
And the school screwed up.
Are they seriously going to not assist investigating a potential hate crime against a student using the lame excuse, "We are not responsible for damage to personal property"?
This will end badly for them.
SVreX wrote: I think you guys might have missed novaderrick's point. I don't think he meant that this act falls short of the definition of bullying. I think he meant it exceeds it.
That's a nice thought, but given what he said in context of everything else, it doesn't read that way.
SVreX wrote: While bullying was certainly going on, criminal vandalism also was. And perhaps hate crimes, or criminal conspiracy.
Absolutely. 'Bullying', much like 'violence', is somewhat of a general term under which many more specific acts fall.
SVreX wrote: Or perhaps, novaderrick was referring to the rather stupid typo in the headline which claims the CAR was bullied. To that extent, the word was certainly misused.
It was misused in the linked article's headline, you are correct. We could also speculate that he was referring to the original post in this thread.
SVreX wrote: And I think it is premature to jump on nova, when he is obviously right, regardless of what he meant. You guys might be over-reacting.
What happened to this guy was bullying; it fits the definition. That's the scope of my concern. Well, that, and my hope that this story has a good ending.
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