That's right, apples. What's with all these new types? Honeygold? Jonagold? Honeycrisp? And now Jazz (!).
Don't get me wrong, I welcome anything that's not a ghastly, mushy, nasty Red Delicious, and I'm sure my horizons need expanding beyond Granny Smith, but I was just learning to feel competent about buying Fujis. Now I walk the produce aisle and stare like a visitor from another world.
So I turn here, to the place where I go for obscure answers. Any experience with these? What's good? (And if you're still missing the active political topics, feel free to just respond with "Oranges!" and tell me to take a leap.)
11/7/08 10:00 a.m.
McIntosh, not the computer. My favorites by far!
Pink Ladies rule all.
And Margie, you're right, a Red Delicious may be red, but it sure ain't delicious.
I can't stand the "Delicious" apples either. I've found the apples that kind of have red and yellow zebra stripes to often be quite good - my favorite type I've found so fare has been Braeburn, but Gala's pretty good too.
Macintosh, the best apple in the would.
I enjoy the Honeycrisp, they are crispy (as the name suggests) with a nice sweet flavor (also suggested by the name). I also hate those mushy apples, these are probably about the same as granny smith as far as texture and crisp, but with a sweeter flavor.
Honeycrisp is the way to go.
I'm more of a pear person though... 
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
11/7/08 10:36 a.m.
I'm a Granny Smith fan....occasionally, I like a McIntosh though..
Honeycrisp and pink lady is where it's at.
it this what we have become? apples?
Hey, it DOES say "off topic."
11/7/08 11:06 a.m.
I second the pink ladies. I haven't tried the rest but I might have to plan a trip to the supermarket...
Margie, the next time you're headed to Summit Point in the fall, stop by Charlottesville, we have some great local orchards that have a nice variety. Nothing as fresh as you pick it off the tree either.
Any one tried a Grapple yet?It's a apple that taste like a grape.kinda weird kinda good at the same time.
will the apple topic out do the popcorn topic?
why am I not posting this under my popcorn topic then?
(slow day at work)
When I was a kid, I used to eat Golden Delicious apples, sliced up, with salt on them.
They were surprisingly good.
What about apples for baking pies? I have been wanting to bake up an apple pie but I am not sure which apples would be the best choice for that. Any suggestions?