Well it's that time of year again. What does everybody have planned for pranks on their kids, family, SO, or whoever this year?
Kid 1 gets a bullion cube in the shower head, blue food coloring on the toothbrush, and caramel onion for dessert.
Kid 2 gets food coloring on the toothbrush, spoon frozen into cereal bowl, and rice pudding with dried onion flakes.
Brother gets jello toilet.
SWMBO is completely off limits.
Paper towel roll + pack of 2000 BBs

Ojala wrote:
SWMBO is completely off limits.
Aww, that's no fun. Live a little
3/31/14 10:10 a.m.
I am not a fan of April Fools Day. 
April fools day does not give anyone an excuse to mess with the guard. Bad idea. 
I look forward to a normal day.
3/31/14 10:18 a.m.
Sine_Qua_Non wrote:
Ojala wrote:
SWMBO is completely off limits.
Aww, that's no fun. Live a little
I think the point is that he'd like to continue doing so..
In reply to Mezzanine:
Stand the paper towel roll up and fill the tube with BBs . . . Hilarity ensues when the next person picks up the roll to whip off a towel.
I'm announcing mandatory drug testing at the office, beginning at 9am.
In reply to bluej:
You are correct.
She made it very clear that the repercussions would be swift and severe if I involved her in any pranks. My kids on the other hand have been writing up lists and drawing up plans for weeks.
In reply to Strike_Zero:
I am using air soft pellets in the paper towel roll at work. That and the old rubber-band-on-the-sprayer gag.
My faves:
First thing in the morning, roll over in bed and tell my wife "I love you with all my heart, and would never ever cheat on you or even look at another woman... APRIL FOOLS!"
I had a customer who was stupid superstitious. I was lettering his sprint car, and put his name on in green. He freaked out. I wiped it off. Then painted his name in pink with a heart as a dot for the "i". He freaked. So I wiped it off again. And painted his name in the blue he wanted. Then he left to get more beeer, so I wiped it off again... And painted his brother's (and biggest rival) name. He threatened to kick my (butt). The whole crew was dying laughing.
3/31/14 11:35 a.m.
My usuals include:
Take a screen shot of coworker's desktop, set it as the desktop picture, and then hide all their desktop icons - this works great for those who don't actually know how to use their computers, and depend on shortcuts for everything.
Set mouse tracking speed to "remote neurosurgery" setting - we have 28" monitors...
One I've heard, but don't think I could pull off: steal victim's cell phone and change all contact names to Harry Potter characters. Would take some time and depend on laziness of phone owner, so that contacts are mostly names and numbers, rather than full identifying details.
I like to take a large raw shrimp and tuck it into the trailer hitch tube of someones truck.
3/31/14 11:41 a.m.
My wife is deathly allergic to bees. I'm thinking of setting her ringtone to bees, and making her watch that dude scoop bees with his hand.
My favorite: change the computer screen orientation on a co-worker's computer with Control+Alt+Arrow Key. It unfortunately doesn't work on all computers but when it does, boy does it freak people out.
Here's one for the data center guys . . .
Open the door to a highly critical server rack and stand there with a ISA card in your hand while scratching your head . . .
This works best if you get back from lunch before the others do.
Duke wrote:
My usuals include:
Take a screen shot of coworker's desktop, set it as the desktop picture, and then hide all their desktop icons - this works great for those who don't actually know how to use their computers, and depend on shortcuts for everything.
Set mouse tracking speed to "remote neurosurgery" setting - we have 28" monitors...
Along these lines, many Windows video drivers let you rotate the screen with Ctrl-Alt-(Arrow key). Most people don't know this so they can't undo it.
I wrote a serious letter stating that I was moving to our main office (from Chicago to Minneapolis) and a ton of people believed me.
Last year I did a mailer stating that I now could offer "paper" braided flex connectors (save money and shipping costs) - one engineer thought I was serious and then I felt bad for him as he became the laughing stock of his company. 
this year it's a new job and I am lying low....
New Reader
3/31/14 7:58 p.m.
Get a hold of a friend's phone and enter a new contact using a phone number they don't already have in their contacts. Make the name of the new contact their dog's name.
Text them "I need to pee, can you take me out??" "It's snack time"
In reply to Scott_H:
I saw one today I want to try on a co-worker. He drinks diet coke. You mix sprite with soy sauce until it looks like diet coke.
I may put tape over a few optical mouse eyes at least.
the company has NO sense of humor whatsoever. I won't be able to do anything aside from that, despite the fact my soon-to-be-ex-wife deserves something...
Duke wrote:
My usuals include:
Take a screen shot of coworker's desktop, set it as the desktop picture, and then hide all their desktop icons - this works great for those who don't actually know how to use their computers, and depend on shortcuts for everything.
That's pretty much my move, too. I move all the icons off the screen and pull the toolbar out of the way, then I make new folder titled "Horse Porn" or similar. Then it's printscreen, delete the new folder, set desktop as, and restore the icons to their original position.
Get's 'em everytime.
My wife has been taking baked goods to work, to share. It's a new job - not quite a month, yet. I tried to convince her to take a cake, like this.

She said, "No." 
I will not be going to work tomorrow actually which I have a feeling is a good thing.