I've had my 09 P71 for just over 2 years, my latest insurance renewal notice just about gave me a heart attack.
I carry only liability, no comp, no collision, no theft, and for 6 months of insurance from non-conservative I am charged over $800, and in the next 6 months they tell me (if I read right?) I will be charged over $900.
I live in Florida, am eligible for, but not yet on Social Security, own my own home, have decent credit, with a speeding ticket 19 months ago...my first in over 30 years.
Is this car expensive to insure? I'm considering trading to a newer/less expensive vehicle to insure. My research so far says that the most popular CUVs are the cheapest to insure.
Seems a little high, about $133 a month. How long are with your company? Check out some others with a free quote. I pay up here in NY, $250 per month, 3 cars with comprehensive on all 3. But I've been with the same company for 25 years.
I'm paying $450/year for liability only on a 2005 P71 and a 93 Miata. At age 30 with good credit and clean record.
It sounds like it's time to go insurance shopping.
Much Much later edit: I forgot something, the number is closer to $550/year. My insurance is through AAA, so my $100 annual membership might as well add in to insurance costs. BUT that includes 4 free tows up to 100 miles each, every year. The last time I needed towed before AAA was $150 to go 9 miles, so it pays for itself. AAA does base their fees on a mileage tier, at least here in PA. I fall into the lowest mileage tier of 3000 miles/year/vehicle, so that could make some price differences for you as well if it's just a weekend car or if you're putting on 50k a year.
AAA and AARP would be great places to call to check on insurance on top of "standard" insurance companies.
Before I moved to AAA, I was with the General. $850 every 6 months for the same 2 cars.
RevRico said:
I'm paying $450/year for liability only on a 2005 P71 and a 93 Miata. At age 30 with good credit and clean record.
It sounds like it's time to go insurance shopping.
Yes, I'd definitely shop insurance companies before car shopping.
I pay less for full coverage for my 2012 Camaro SS than you do for your P71, something seems off there. I would shop around, got to be something better.
I pay $150 a month on full coverage FR-S, a 200cc motorcycle, and a 30 year old Toyota 4runner. I have good credit and am 38 years old.
You are getting hosed.
I usually shop insurance with insurance before buying a car, but there are widely differing rates on the same car depending on the state and company. I also usually buy cars that are on the fringe of the vanilla spectrum, so I sometimes will buy without checking. Like right now I'm thinking about replacing an F150 with a full size van. I don't expect the premium to change much so I will likely buy first, insure later.
My three main states of residence were CA, PA, and TX. In CA, if I owned a van without back seats and back windows, it had to be insured as a commercial vehicle. PA cared more about the intended use. In TX and CA I had a 26' box truck that also had to be insured commercially, but PA let me title it as a personal use vehicle since I registered it like an RV.
But then it also depends on the company and their algorithms. I was with Liberty Mutual who charged me considerably more for my Impala SS than they did my Caprice S/W. When I switched to State Farm the two rates were identical (well, the Caprice was about 50 cents cheaper every 6 months because it was worth less, but the liability premium was identical). PA also does this odd thing where the motorcycle MUST be on a separate policy which brings up other nuances: For instance, State Farm lets me use the motorcycle on the separate policy as a multi-car discount, Liberty Mutual did not.
Some are slaves to statistics, others use more nuanced, human decisions. All of them will be different.
Right now I insure an F150, the Impala SS, the 67 LeMans, and a Motorcycle with State Farm. The only vehicle with full coverage is the F150 (normally the LeMans gets comprehensive but since I'm not driving it in the winter I drop that to just liability to appease the registration gods and store it in a locked garage). My 6 month rate is just around $500 for all of it. One driver, clean record.
Call an independent broker, they'll have access to companies you've never heard of. Especially if you're a low-risk driver.
What any of us pay for insurance rates are 100% irrelevant to the rate you can and will get. You need to shop around.
I am a member of AAA and their agent is the one who shopped for me and "found" the best deal for me. Then, a year ago, the same agent said she could get me auto AND home insurance through AAA for what I was paying for just my house...after I had my 30 year old roof replaced and my house inspected by the insurance company. (Homeowners on a 90 year old house costs nearly 150% what my car premium is.)
I do realize the cost of insurance depends on many factors, but I started this because I wondered just what the range was for pricing.
Before moving back to Florida I was paying less than $1,000/year on full coverage for a Honda Civic while living in Tennessee, a real car theft and auto accident capital.
Carsandbikes, sent you a pm.
Klayfish said:
What any of us pay for insurance rates are 100% irrelevant to the rate you can and will get. You need to shop around.
Truth. That's why every single insurance company advertises "customers who switched saved a gazillion dollars." Nobody would switch to a company if their rates were double.
Really just depends on insurance company. I switched back to USAA when I got the speed 6 & it was cheaper to insure the speed6 with USAA than it was to insure a 2000 grand cherokee with geico. By almost $30/month. So I'd shop around.
1/22/18 11:37 a.m.
Curtis said:
The only vehicle with full coverage is the F150 (normally the LeMans gets comprehensive but since I'm not driving it in the winter I drop that to just liability to appease the registration gods and store it in a locked garage).
FWIW, if the garage burns down with the Le Mans in it, your homeowner's insurance is going to say "Tough luck about your car." If I were you, I'd put comprehensive back on it. Should be cheap. When I quit driving it, I still kept comprehensive coverage, even though I dropped liability and collision. It was under $10 / year, also with State Farm.
True, Duke. The garage it's in is concrete and steel and the LeMans is all that is in it.
Only problem with PA is that I can't drop liability without surrendering the registration. Comp alone is cheap, but liability plus comp is expensive. Dad has an home insurance rider that covers it along with his tractors, boats, and RVs. Its like $5 a year to cover the LeMans with a $100 deductible on that rider. Don't worry, she's safe 
I pay 800 every 6 months for comp on an 04 ion and a 90 ranger. My zephyr has stated value. In the winter when the zephyrs on storage insurance i pay 480 for 6 months. 2 drivers on the policy. Were both 30 with clean records.
1/23/18 2:17 p.m.
I can't help, I've got a teenager with an accident in the house besides my own fender bender and the wife's. For 2 cars we are paying 340 a month, comp on one and liability only on the other. I pay about the same for business garage liability and full coverage insurance as a dealer with 4 plates.
I learned long ago that you should shop your insurance around every couple of years.
It's a PITA, but it usually pays. I also use only one agent/company instead of several like I used to to save every last dime.
Another PITA trying to remember who insured what.
I have a seventeen years old son. Sounds like a great deal.