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SVreX MegaDork
12/12/12 6:59 a.m.

Guys, please. Keep your darned political comments at home.

I need some feedback from people I trust. I don't need this thread locked in less than an hour.

Show me a little respect and try to allow me to maintain a shred of dignity.

GRM staff... I am trying this again. I hope you find it respectful of your online community and goals. If not, please delete the thread.

SVreX MegaDork
12/12/12 6:59 a.m.

Just when it was beginning to feel like I was moving forward...

Laid off.

Looks like I was working for someone who has a great deal less respect for people than I do.

No notice, no warning, no severance at all. They walked into my office, closed the door, and said, "This is a layoff, not a termination because the company isn't growing the way we expected. It's no reflection on you. We'll pay you 'till the end of the day".

Gee thanks. Very generous. Merry Christmas.

Not a total surprise. The place is imploding. I expect a bankruptcy very soon.

Hardest part was the boss had someone else do the dirty work for him. I've had to let people go, but I would never consider doing it without looking them in the eye. I thought our relationship meant more. Guess I was a bit foolish.

Single income family. Gonna get pretty lean around here very quickly.

Part of me feels relieved- that job was killing me. Part of me is in total shock.

It's time to relocate. Things aren't gonna get any better around here any time soon.

If anyone has a need for a good creative thinker/ project manager with a lot of experience in construction who is hard working, loyal, trustworthy, and skilled in a lot of areas, let me know. Not too proud to start over- just lacking the connections and need a few leads/ referrals. Licensed GC, but willing to do just about anything.

Just needed to vent. You guys are great. Thanks for listening!

ultraclyde Dork
12/12/12 7:08 a.m.

Things seem to be improving in the Macon area. I'll keep an ear to the ground, but GC and project management aren't fields I regularly deal with.

It really sucks man, I hope you can get something lined ip quickly.

PHeller UltraDork
12/12/12 7:16 a.m.

Again, why do you feel you need to relocate?

DrBoost PowerDork
12/12/12 7:20 a.m.

I really hope this thread would not have turned into a politicrap locked thread, that's sad if it did.

Paul, I feel for you. I was in a very similar boat, although the company was nice enough to give me a whole 2 weeks pay after slaving away for years for them. But, no more respect than you got, and in fact, less I think.
You did the first right thing, you let folks know. Then you did the second right thing, you let us know what you did and what you can do. We can't help you if we don't know you are laid off or what you are capable of doing.

When I lost my job (single income, 3 kids) I dropped all non-essential things, internet, cable, netflix, meth habit, you know, the non-essentials. I used the library for movies (entertainment) and the internet for job searches (and www.peopleofwalmart.com also entertainment).
I know of a few jobs up here in MI, in the automotive sector. If you are interested, I'd be happy to fill you in. Other than that, I can only offer my condolences and encouragement. If you want to talk, I think you still have my number, if not, PM me.

OK, I just say the other post. Wow.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo UltimaDork
12/12/12 7:22 a.m.

I'll speak with the project manager and project supervisor if you're interested in the construction field. I know their expecting some guys to retire and they are union.

If you would like a good paying non-union job, PM me so you can get a PDF of your resume to me and I'll give it to my client. In private, I would be happy to give you more info on my workplace.

(keep in mind you will join the ranks of the StL crowd(don't worry about the crime rate). The bonus: Back 40.)

SVreX MegaDork
12/12/12 7:34 a.m.
PHeller wrote: Again, why do you feel you need to relocate?

GA is a big state. Some of the Metro areas are doing better, but I am in south GA. We ranked 393 out of 398 on that spreadsheet you linked to. Plus, those Metro areas impact the statistics heavily because there are a lot of people there.

I am 3-4 hours from an improving Metro area.

We recently made the Forbes top 10 list of America's Most Impoverished Cities:

A little more about Albany, GA

Hence, I feel the need for relocation.

foxtrapper PowerDork
12/12/12 7:36 a.m.

If you're willing to relocate, and think you can handle the cold, my hearsay understanding is that North dakota is booming these days.

SVreX MegaDork
12/12/12 7:38 a.m.
Datsun1500 wrote: They are calling it a layoff, not termination, so you will have a hard time filing for unemployment. That's a lousy move.

My understanding is the opposite. I sincerely hope you are very wrong.

93EXCivic MegaDork
12/12/12 7:38 a.m.

You may want to take a look around Huntsville AL. There are a number of big building projects preparing to be started. I personally don't know anyone involved but it may be worth a look.

Curmudgeon MegaDork
12/12/12 7:39 a.m.

Sometimes relocation is not desired but is necessary. BTDT. Paul, sorry to hear of your misfortune. If there's any way I can help let me know.

EDIT: On unemployment, a layoff is not cause for denial of benefits. Termination can be, particularly if it's for something like fighting, sexual harrassment etc.

SVreX MegaDork
12/12/12 7:40 a.m.
foxtrapper wrote: If you're willing to relocate, and think you can handle the cold, my hearsay understanding is that North dakota is booming these days.

I can handle the cold. In fact, I miss it.

Not sure I can physically handle being a roughneck anymore, if you are referring to the oil pipeline industry. I'm in very good shape, but twice the age of most guys doing that.

SVreX MegaDork
12/12/12 7:40 a.m.
93EXCivic wrote: You may want to take a look around Huntsville AL. There are a number of big building projects preparing to be started. I personally don't know anyone involved but it may be worth a look.

Thank you.

I looked there once. I'll do it again.

SVreX MegaDork
12/12/12 7:41 a.m.
N Sperlo wrote: I'll speak with the project manager and project supervisor if you're interested in the construction field. I know their expecting some guys to retire and they are union. If you would like a good paying non-union job, PM me so you can get a PDF of your resume to me and I'll give it to my client. In private, I would be happy to give you more info on my workplace.

I am very interested, and will contact you privately later.

Duke PowerDork
12/12/12 7:47 a.m.

STL is a nice city, in parts. The weather, while volatile, is pretty temperate. I enjoyed living there.

Good luck, Paul. Sucks that this always seems to happen right at this time of year, but it sounds like it was going to happen one way or the other soon enough anyway.

Be calm and carry on.

slefain SuperDork
12/12/12 8:23 a.m.

FWIW, I've seen construction picking up around Atlanta. Mainly high-end stuff. Tearing down old houses, putting up custom (not McMansions) in their place.

Strizzo UberDork
12/12/12 8:28 a.m.

It seems that a good portion of the country is gearing up for a construction boom. I know in Houston specifically, October home inventory hit a record low, and record high volume. Commercial construction has also picked up as well.

Wherever you end up, best of luck to you.

foxtrapper PowerDork
12/12/12 8:30 a.m.
SVreX wrote: I can handle the cold. In fact, I miss it. Not sure I can physically handle being a roughneck anymore, if you are referring to the oil pipeline industry. I'm in very good shape, but twice the age of most guys doing that.

Honestly, I'm not certain of what I'm referring to, just stuff I've heard. Part was the oil industry (sands too?), but a good part was constructing housing and the like.

This is a short transcript of an NPR interview with someone up there about how things are booming, including construction:


JThw8 PowerDork
12/12/12 8:34 a.m.

Probably a bit further than you want to relocate but all the destruction from the hurricane up north has lead to a great need for people with your skill sets.

Even if its something you just want to do until you land something more local let me know and if I can help out up this way I will.

Apexcarver UberDork
12/12/12 8:37 a.m.

Sorry to hear Paul. Hope things come together soon!

petegossett GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
12/12/12 9:12 a.m.

Paul, you have the skills, and you've proven before that you know how to market them. You've also proven that you're resourceful enough to turn junk into treasure, so I'm confident you'll be able to generate income until you find your next position.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
12/12/12 9:26 a.m.
SVreX wrote:
Datsun1500 wrote: They are calling it a layoff, not termination, so you will have a hard time filing for unemployment. That's a lousy move.
My understanding is the opposite. I sincerely hope you are very wrong.

Here in NJ.. a layoff is immediate unemployment.. termination, if you get benefits at all, takes a couple of weeks.

rebelgtp UltraDork
12/12/12 9:26 a.m.

I have been there man. One of my old jobs laid everyone off the week before Christmas. I eneded up going back and working for two more months before it was done for good. Just keep your head up and start beating the bushes. You have skills just gotta find someone that needs them at this point. Good luck in your search.

If I had my business up and going and you were close I would throw some work your way.

nocones GRM+ Memberand Dork
12/12/12 9:29 a.m.

JThw8 has a good point.

See what it would take to get a crew, tools, and yourself into NJ/NY to be able to do construction. Should be a solid year-18 months of work.

My cousin does construction/GC work in the Illinois side of St Louis. His buisiness is doing well. There are a lot of Mid 200-350K homes being constructed as well as comercial work in that area. Indianapolis is in similar shape.

Good Luck! I'd have you come build my garage but it's already done.

oldtin SuperDork
12/12/12 9:40 a.m.

Sorry to hear this Paul. Not sure if you do the commercial side...We just built a hospital in Newnan, GA. (just south of Atlanta) It's already full, and will probably be a continuous project for the next several years in updates, facilities management and upgrades.

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