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N Sperlo
N Sperlo UltimaDork
12/13/12 12:27 p.m.

Just catching up on threads, so my input in regards to unemployment; you should obtain it easily.

dculberson SuperDork
12/13/12 12:33 p.m.
Curmudgeon wrote:
yamaha wrote:
mad_machine wrote:
SVreX wrote:
Datsun1500 wrote: They are calling it a layoff, not termination, so you will have a hard time filing for unemployment. That's a lousy move.
My understanding is the opposite. I sincerely hope you are very wrong.
Here in NJ.. a layoff is immediate unemployment.. termination, if you get benefits at all, takes a couple of weeks.
+1, this should be a case of instant unemployment benifits Paul. It sucks to do, but if you have to so you can get by, that's why you've paid into the system.
I hate to sound like a flounder, there is something which need to be clear about UIB: the employee does not pay any part of the UI premium. The employer has the right to opt in or out, they pay a premium based on the number of employees. If someone who worked for this company applies for and gets UIB and the company has paid those premiums, the state pays the UIB out of their pool. If the company did NOT pay premiums and the employee gets UIB, then the COMPANY has to pay the benefit to the state who then turns around and pays the beneficiary. The company can appeal the decision but they better have their ducks in a row.

In Ohio, they do not have the ability to opt out, if you employ people you are required to carry unemployment insurance. It's a mixed bag - my only employees are also owners and we wouldn't ever be fired except if the company went under yet we've been carrying unemployment insurance on ourselves for 20 years now. Fortunately it's not much money at this point.

@yamaha: I don't think it "sucks to do" at all, he was laid off through so fault of his own so he's entitled to unemployment compensation. That's what it's there for. No worse than making an auto insurance claim if some idiot wrecks your car for you. Unless I misunderstood - maybe you meant it sucks from a hassle standpoint - and I agree there.

yamaha Dork
12/13/12 12:40 p.m.

In reply to dculberson:

I was just touching at the psychological thinking of not wanting to be dependant on something like that.....I agree too with the hassle, that does suck.

I don't believe Indiana allows employers to "opt out" of UIB either, hence why I always think of it as paying into it(company does pay, but I consider it part of your benifits package you are "paid")

4cylndrfury UltimaDork
12/13/12 1:08 p.m.
SVreX wrote: It's time to relocate. Things aren't gonna get any better around here any time soon.... If anyone has a need for a good creative thinker/ project manager with a lot of experience in construction who is hard working, loyal, trustworthy, and skilled in a lot of areas, let me know. Not too proud to start over- just lacking the connections and need a few leads/ referrals. Licensed GC, but willing to do just about anything.

Man, thats rough, especially this time of year. Condolences man...seriously. If you need anything, dont be too proud to ask...this forum is full of people willing to lend a helping hand. Let us do what we do best if you need it.

FWIW, Ohio seems to be doing ok in terms of job creation and such. Budgetwise, we seem to do well compared to other states. No sites or links to reference to, just what Ive been hearing lately. Nat. gas is about to be a booming industry here (no W.V. pun intended).

Also, Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky is about to build a new bridge across the Ohio river. Probably wont start for a year and a half, and thats if everything goes right.

Still, theres going to be a lot of private industry involved - theyre trying to cut out he red tape and bureaucracy, so Uncle sams hands are being kept out of the cookie jar as much as possible. Might be fertile ground for you to place new roots...

DILYSI Dave MegaDork
12/13/12 1:14 p.m.
foxtrapper wrote: If you're willing to relocate, and think you can handle the cold, my hearsay understanding is that North dakota is booming these days.


I wouldn't want to try to make a go of it in southwest GA. Seems to me that the most popular industry is either meth or government teet warmer. Home is home and all, but I think I'd be jetting.

And if I were jetting, some of that upper plains state oil boom sure would be tempting.

EDIT - getting in on some of that Sandy reconstruction sure seems ideal as well. Hell - maybe the family can stay put for the time being and you can commute back and forth, spending every other weekend home or something. Not ideal, but might keep the pump primed.

z31maniac PowerDork
12/13/12 1:29 p.m.

My part of the country never sees the boom/bust that the rest of the country does. Laid back with a good racetrack close by (Hallett) to either Tulsa or OKC.

Low unemployment, very cheap cost of living, very reasonable housing costs. Tulsa and OKC are still big enough to have lots of entertainment options (the BOK center in Tulsa is always in the Top 5 in the country for ticket sales).

nocones GRM+ Memberand Dork
12/13/12 1:55 p.m.

I've also heard great things about Omaha. I guessing relocating is going to hurt when you go to sell the house.

MrJoshua PowerDork
12/13/12 1:59 p.m.

I swear you could make it as a high level craftsman in Gainesville. Some of the money my clients pay people for slow crappy work amazes me. This town is full of people who like to hire expensive people. I do sort of know the owners of two different smallish construction companies who might be able to get you regular construction work if you seriously considered making a go of it in Gainesville. The housing market is still crap in Gainesville (recently rated as one of the top 10 foreclosure cities in the country) so houses are reasonably priced.

HiTempguy UltraDork
12/13/12 2:28 p.m.
SVreX wrote: I can handle the cold. In fact, I miss it. Not sure I can physically handle being a roughneck anymore, if you are referring to the oil pipeline industry. I'm in very good shape, but twice the age of most guys doing that.

Trades are dieing for people up here, including foremen. Hell, Fox just did a big news article on Edmonton/Alberta. Of course, residential construction would be easier for you to get into, as any form of oilfield that you aren't a rigger/labourer will require certificates/paper to your name.

It was unpossible to get trades who would work at the acreage, we paid a framer (who went on benders constantly, but he was good when he was sober/able to work) $25/h CASH, paid every Friday.

Ian F
Ian F PowerDork
12/13/12 3:14 p.m.
mad_machine wrote: I moved to Pa for 4 years... HATED it. I was actually happy to get back to NJ. The people in the Reading to Lancaster region are the shiniest and happiest people you will meet. One of those places were if your grandfather, your father, and you were not born there.. you don't belong here.. Berkley Berks County!

LOL! My g/f is from northern NJ and lived in Berks county for about a year. She says EXACTLY the same thing.She knew folks out there who had never left the county... and were PROUD of it.

I was born in GA, live in PA and work in NJ. Personally, I like the area of PA where I live. Decent housing prices, reasonably taxes, easy access to Philly & NY. The downside is a marginal school system if you have kids.

I hope you do find something Paul. It would be cool to have more GRMers in the area... of course, I practically drive by digdug18's house every day and we've never met...

PHeller UltraDork
12/13/12 3:31 p.m.

Anywhere that has good job growth, decent weather, and growing population mixed between agriculture and professional jobs, I think you'll always people who are very localist.

Having grown up in Lancaster, PA, I knew lots of people who left and came back, or never left at all. This was more common in the farming areas than in the city areas. The farmers didn't really like the city folks.

In Erie, its the exact same.

I think the only places where you wont find locals who don't hate outsiders are places that have very transient populations like resorts towns and "green towns" like those in Colorado, Utah, Washington and California.

Ian F
Ian F PowerDork
12/13/12 3:49 p.m.
PHeller wrote: I think the only places where you wont find locals who don't hate outsiders are places that have very transient populations like resorts towns and "green towns" like those in Colorado, Utah, Washington and California.

Big city suburbs. Despite being a scrawny, 10 year old kid with a funny accent, I never really felt out of place in lower Bucks county. Granted, by pure chance, we happened to move into a area with a somewhat large Jewish population that moved from NE Philly some 10 years prior, so many of the people around me were transplants themselves.

Zomby Woof
Zomby Woof UberDork
12/13/12 4:45 p.m.
HiTempguy wrote: Trades are dieing for people up here, including foremen

What would a millwright or maintenance supe make up there?

peabodysc New Reader
12/13/12 7:38 p.m.

Check the Greenville, SC area. Economy is still fairly strong here. Good climate, cost of living is reasonable, a pretty good place to raise a family if you have kids, not perfect. A good international presence with BMW manufacturing, Michelin's North American HQ, several BMW suppliers, ZF Transmissions just completed a 1.5 million cubic foot plant just east of here. I've been were you are twice before, my wife wasn't working either time and by the Grace of God we survived. Keep your head up.

fasted58 UberDork
12/13/12 7:40 p.m.

I'll second Indeed.com for job searches.

Good luck SVreX

Datsun310Guy UberDork
12/13/12 7:54 p.m.

Jobs are changing. Should we give a notice to leave; our policy now states you lose all vacation you might have saved.

In January I "earn" 3-1/2 weeks of vacation. If I say I'm leaving they don't pay out anything. After 13+ years; I expect if I got layed off they too would pay me until the "end of the day".

I wish you the best.

Rusted_Busted_Spit GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
12/13/12 8:15 p.m.

Unfortunately I can't offer and help with the job search, it just really sucks all the way around. Sorry man.

SVreX MegaDork
12/13/12 9:14 p.m.

Well, things are looking up a little.

The broad net I cast is almost too broad. I've got leads and opportunities all over the country. Now I gotta figure out how to follow up on them.

I landed some lucrative short term stuff that will help get me through the holidays. Also have some good opportunities for small construction projects which may be able to carry me a bit longer.

I have also started a conversation with a member of this board which could lead to a nice business partnership that might not require I relocate. We'll talk more after the holidays.

So overall, very encouraging.

Several of you have offered great leads which I am chasing as hard as I can. Thank all of you for the creative ideas, the help and the moral support. Good to have family, even if it is a bunch of inbred grease monkeys.

MrJoshua PowerDork
12/13/12 9:26 p.m.

I'm glad to hear it man. Silver linings indeed.

Brett_Murphy GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
12/13/12 11:03 p.m.

I can't give you any leads (wrong industry) but I hope that this somehow turns into a good opportunity for you.

Best wishes, man.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
12/13/12 11:16 p.m.

Cool, glad to hear the good news.

ZOO GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
12/14/12 7:16 a.m.
SVreX wrote: Good to have family, even if it is a bunch of inbred grease monkeys.

That's great news! And the above only partially describes me . . .

ronholm Reader
12/14/12 7:21 a.m.

During the spring and summer I remodel here in Kansas city

I have much more trouble finding quality help than I do finding work. You sir would be welcome anytime. Seriously

If I were in your shoes I would head to New York, especially if you have any experience with insurance work. Finding work is easy as simply being present and able, and there is no haggling on price or anything you make what exactimate says the job is worth.

ronholm Reader
12/14/12 7:24 a.m.

Oh shoot I missed your last post


I wanted to say something unemployment just taking just taking it is bad for you. But it seems you already figured that out

Curmudgeon MegaDork
12/14/12 7:55 a.m.
SVreX wrote: Good to have family, even if it is a bunch of inbred grease monkeys.

Dang it, I was hoping it didn't show. Guess I gotta get my ears fixed.

Glad to hear you got something going!

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