You see some strange things when you get off the beaten path.
I had a job to do at the Town Hall of BFnowhere South Carolina (other wise known as Bowman, SC). This was a block and a half from Town Hall. 

Makes you wonder what the guy was thinking when he decided to build it and how the town let him get away with it.

This was built here in the 70's.
In reply to Toyman01:
This is why we created HOAs
Cone_Junky wrote:
In reply to Toyman01:
This is why we created HOAs
I was just going to say "At least they don't have HOAs."
Just as an FYI, this isn't in some guy's back yard. It's in the middle of a commercial lot in downtown Bowman. From the looks of it, it's been there a while.

"All right, pay attention... Okay. You know how you kids won the goldfish in that little baggy at the school fair, and you didn't want that nasty thing in your house so you flushed it down the toilet? Well, this's what happened..."
In reply to Anti-stance:
Now I'm going to have to get the t-shirt. 

Honestly, I thought Florida was the armpit of the south. Maybe it's Florida is the armpit of the country? 

Toyman01 wrote:
In reply to Cone_Junky:
I'd rather have the UFO.

The Pelosi thing isn't a sneaked-in political comment..I actually vote Democratic. This is the only image I found that accurately expresses my feelings about HOAs. 
That may be the armpit of the south, but Louisiana is the armpit of the world. I know, I've been around it 3 times.
Oh, and I'm with toyman on the HOA thing.
In reply to friedgreencorrado:
All I can say is, thank dog for Mississippi.
New Reader
10/3/12 7:37 p.m.
In reply to Toyman01:
I had to pull over and take a pic when I passed it too. Hope you didn't miss the "bombs" or whatever they were next to it. That place is classic. For those that haven't yet made the pilgrimage to Bowman, this is on the main road through town. You can't miss it. :D
Oh, and bring on the tonsil hockey. 
New Reader
10/3/12 7:38 p.m.
In reply to Curmudgeon:
Watch it. I used to resemble that remark! Now I'm here to add humor to the Lowcountry. :p
Man, I can't hear Low country and not think of Gullah. 
I lived in the Armpit of America (Albany, NY).
Curmudgeon wrote:
All I can say is, thank dog for Mississippi.
Thank God for SC, you mean. We don't have a "UFO Welcome Center" here. 
I lived in Roswell, NM for 20 years, don't get me started. Actually, that might explain a lot . . .
This is near a friends house in Delaware.

Toyman01 wrote:
Tom Cruise's version is fancier