You guys use manual blades to shave your heads? Without being able to see what you are shaving?
Many you guys must really be macho. Sure am glad I've got hair. I think about shaving each year in Convertible season, but sunburn always stops me.
It is getting thinner &/or receding a little, but this discussion has made me glad I've got it.
I told my barber he should charge me 1/2 price since I have 1/2 the hair most guys have. He said he should charge me double since it takes him twice as long to find it.
Ba Bam! I have more.....
6/20/12 10:13 p.m.
SillyImportRacer wrote:
The only draw back to not having hair are sun burning the dome. I try to remember to wear a hat when I'm going to be at risk for sunburn.
^^ This - sunscreen and a hat - burning the dome hurts like hell.
Wahl clippers and a #1.
Shaving it is actually more work. You have to shave it every 2nd or 3rd day.
carguy123 wrote:
You guys use manual blades to shave your heads? Without being able to see what you are shaving?
Many you guys must really be macho. Sure am glad I've got hair. I think about shaving each year in Convertible season, but sunburn always stops me.
It is getting thinner &/or receding a little, but this discussion has made me glad I've got it.
You learn to shave by feel.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
carguy123 wrote:
You guys use manual blades to shave your heads? Without being able to see what you are shaving?
Many you guys must really be macho. Sure am glad I've got hair. I think about shaving each year in Convertible season, but sunburn always stops me.
It is getting thinner &/or receding a little, but this discussion has made me glad I've got it.
You learn to shave by feel.
You mean when you FEEL blood running down your neck to move onto a new spot?
6/20/12 11:36 p.m.
Everyone on my dad's side of the family is bald so I got this out of my system when I was in college:

I haven't lost any hair yet, but I'm afraid it's only a matter of time.
carguy123 wrote:
DILYSI Dave wrote:
carguy123 wrote:
You guys use manual blades to shave your heads? Without being able to see what you are shaving?
Many you guys must really be macho. Sure am glad I've got hair. I think about shaving each year in Convertible season, but sunburn always stops me.
It is getting thinner &/or receding a little, but this discussion has made me glad I've got it.
You learn to shave by feel.
No, it's really easy actually. When I shave my head, I go fast, twice the speed of my face easily. Think about it, your head is mostly smooth, and (should be) all convex. I zip over my head (I always do it in the shower) then rub my head (stop it you dirty minded people!) and feel for stubble. Then hit those spots. It's really much easier and faster than shaving my face.
You mean when you FEEL blood running down your neck to move onto a new spot?
Yavuz wrote:
Everyone on my dad's side of the family is bald so I got this out of my system when I was in college:
I haven't lost any hair yet, but I'm afraid it's only a matter of time.
I had a Fro too when younger. It took lots of money, pain and time in the salon, but at least I got to hang out with the girls for a while. Much better than a barber shop.
New Reader
6/21/12 4:25 p.m.
I used to have a barber shave my head once a week when I was in Asia and used the headblade in between. $3.00 was awesome, especially when that included a face and scalp massage.
Now, in the states, nobody does that where I am. If they do, it's like 20 bucks. I'll settle for the $8.00 fades for now.
I might start using my headblade again before I retire from the Military.
God only made a few perfect heads; the rest he covered with hair.
Ba Bam! Want more?
This isn't a bald spot. It's a solar panel for a sex machine!
I will now stop as I am offending.
I have "male pattern baldness".
I can't see it unless I look in a mirror.
So I don't.
Curmudgeon wrote:
Lesley wrote:
Bald is hot. Especially on a buff dude.
Not buff, not bald.
Oh, well.
but both are within your reach. and you know she's worth it... 
I never stood a chance genetically and went bald early. Receding hairline at 18 and only a few strands on top before 30 so my opinion probably doesn't count. Never tried any snake oil products, just learned to live with it. Keep the sides short but don't shave, too many scars hidden by what's left and IMO head shaving is over-done nowadays. Even guys with hair shave their heads. Just convince others that it is a proven fact (sort of) that baldness comes from excessive testosterone in your system. As I have been like this my adult life, I just don't seem to get the hair obsesiveness. Just learn to live with it, don't get obsesive about it as that is what turns people away. (This the part that doesn't count.) After all, just look at what Patrick Stewart has done for us bald guys.