I've been trying to find Baby Moons or similar for my sailplane trailer. The wheels are German, i.e. metric. 4 X 100 BP and the diameter around the nubs that hold the cap is metric. 9 5/16" is very close, but not close enough.
I thiought about swapping out the wheels but the center hole slip fits the hub, rather not mess with it.
Any suggestions where to find something nice looking? I don't mind a full wheel cover, but it's got to be nice. All I find on line and auto stores are plastic and cheap looking.

How about 13" trim rings like you might find on a VW Rabbit?
Keep the existing center cap and lugs exposed.

How about genuine Moon disks?
The 13" snap-on ones are $30 each new.

Early Darts had 13" wheels and some neat wheel covers. Most guys with those cars swap on 14" wheels for a little better tire selection so there's plenty of covers collecting dust.

The Pinto 13" wheel cover is a clean no-name design:

I'm a fan of basic, chrome "dog dish" hubcaps.
Like the Sprite hubcaps on my Midget.
(wheel rims are painted silver and wheel centers are painted black).