So I accepted a new position in Austin (Yay! Mas $) and we'll be moving back up. Anyone there? I know we have a few people here in SA (Vigo, I'm looking at you!) and I know Mr. Hollis is up that way as well, but he's l33t and not typical GRMer ;)
Any plebeians up there? I start my position April 15, but we won't move until further into summer, as my current lease isn't up unit July 31.
I have a close friend that moved there a few years ago. Super cool car guy, but not on the grm. Plays with bikes as well and is my go to guy when I have questions regarding cars even more so than
you guys. He keeps trying to get me to move out there, but I am not going anywhere.
There is some great car stuff in Austin. Good choice.
I miss Austin every day. Best city I've ever been to/lived in hands down.
I worked a week in Austin.. I would live there in a heartbeat. Great city, friendly folks
Traffic is a bit more intense than in SA but the Barbecue is not TOO bad
, so yeah, it might be possible to subsist in Austin.
I'm just up the road from Austin in Temple. Only been here since the first of march so still kinda getting a feel for it. Had a blast in Austin a couple weekends ago.
I'm from Austin. Currently live just under 2 hrs away in Brownwood, but my mom and brother and most all of my friends are still there so we visit often. What part are you moving to? PM me and I'll shoot you my number in case you need anything and I can help at all.
I always, and I mean ALWAYS misread Austin as Autism. Never having been, I can't comment on whether I am close to the mark or not 
I lived up there for a couple of years and my wife is from there, so I'm familiar. Was just hoping to find some like minded individuals to hang out with other than driving down to SA.
Not so sure about living in an emissions county (funny that SA is so much larger but isn't an emissions county, probably because it is so spread out).
Thanks yall!
The inspections there SUCK. They're stupid expensive, $24.50 if memory serves, and they also have mobile emissions testing stations they put by highway onramps that will hit your license plate and take a sniff of your cars bunghole. Best part is, if you have an old hot rod that's exempt, run that sombitch fat and lay on it in front of the machine. LOL I'm glad where I live is non-emissions.
I spent a week there for work a few years back. It was two weeks before Christmas and the college was out. The town was dead, the traffic sucked, the roads are designed by inbred drunk apes, the bars were closed and I was not impressed with anything but the BBQ. I've always heard it was great, I hope I was just there at the wrong time. Maybe you'll do better.