yes, i know some weird posts tonight for something to post about but what the hey....
so does any play or played games like car wars, dark future, over drive arena, thunder road board game at all?
or how about interstate 76, nitropack, or I82 computer games?
i just ran a cars wars game last week after not playing in a few years and it brought back the thought of dealing with people on the roads with a .50 mg under the hood or something much bigger....
and the thought of finding server online to play agaist some of you nuts cases with I76 nitro would be cool....the thought of blowing up pintos just seems fun right now.
I was getting ready for the game and going though my stuff and came across some cars i had worked up in the past and one just sounded very cool.
my lux with the rear mounted turbo 4 banger and the spinal-mounted 75mm tank gun with sabot was insane to say the least.
i just found that steve jackson games rerealaed the rules for cars wars 2.5 online in pdf formatt a few weeks ago so thats what lead to the idea for a game and i had some younger teens play and they had a blast. i also can not belive that car wars came out in 1981....and still having following online....
Ian F
1/21/10 8:49 p.m.
Wow... Car Wars... I haven't thought about that game in awhile... I used to play a little bit... had tons of expansion packs for it (it helped I worked at a hobby shop at the time), but was never able to find anyone else to play it. I might also have a copy of the original computer version (Mac) from around 1988.
I76 is the only computer game to ever feature AMC's. I love the 71-4 Javelin on that game!
No mention of Twisted Metal? The first two were legendarily awesome, especially the 2nd.
JeepinMatt wrote:
No mention of Twisted Metal? The first two were legendarily awesome, especially the 2nd.
TM was my first exsposure to this stuff, and Mario Cart works well for this
Deathtrack on the 486 PC. All others bow in it's presence.

Oh god...yeah, I had Car Wars back in the early 80's. I only ever found one friend who'd play it with me. Then again, it's not like I had a lot of friends. After all, I was sitting around my basement playing geeky board games...
Loved Car Wars and Interstate '76. We'd play I76 networked on our work machines after work was over back in the late 90's. Loaned the discs out to one of my sister's boyfriends and never got them back.
Somewhere around here, I have the ROMs for Autoduel for C64 and Apple][. For such a primitive game, it captured so much of the design element in Car Wars, which was my favorite part.
1/22/10 7:21 a.m.
eastsidemav wrote:
Loaned the discs out to one of my sister's boyfriends and never got them back.
I'm pretty sure I still have the disks here somewhere....might be time to hunt through the old computer stuff.
No Carmegedon? Or the even Better Carmegedon II Carpocolypse now?
I need to find my copies of I76 and the Nitro pack now. 
Tom Heath
Marketing / Club Coordinator
1/22/10 8:43 a.m.
Way way back, I enjoyed Roadwar 2000 and Roadwar Europa. Turn-based car combat FTW.

Ian F
1/22/10 9:07 a.m.
eastsidemav wrote:
For such a primitive game, it captured so much of the design element in Car Wars, which was my favorite part.
True... that was one of the problems with Car Wars... designing the cars and setting up the game scenarios was more fun than actually playing it. Game time: 30 seconds. Real time: 3 hours...
Re-volt was pretty fun. Basically it was R/C Car racing using a third person view and the physics were pretty realistic and the weapons were things like bottle rockets, water balloons, oil slicks, bombs, etc.
Tom Heath wrote:
Way way back, I enjoyed Roadwar 2000 and Roadwar Europa. Turn-based car combat FTW.
Look here:
For current stuff, I enjoy enjoy Burnout - Paradise City. No weapons, but plenty of crashing and smashing, lots of fun actually. A little different then the older versions (which focused on controlled crashes) but much better for multi-player purposes.
I can be found in one of these most times, under the AllAirCooled tag:

1/22/10 6:45 p.m.
Racing destruction on the commodor 64. I haven't played any since then.
1/22/10 10:29 p.m.
JeepinMatt wrote:
No mention of Twisted Metal? The first two were legendarily awesome, especially the 2nd.
A friend gave me his copy of Twisted Metal (Black, maybe?), and I just couldn't get into it. It was way too much driving around doing nothing, occasionally getting hit by stray fire, and then suddenly and randomly having about 2 microseconds to see, lock on, and fire at a target that was usually wailing across your path at some obtuse angle. I expected the game to be fun as hell and in reality it was just boring and frustrating.
quarantine? Not many people will know about that old one.
In reply to benzbaron:
Quarantine was excellent. I ony got to play it a little back in the day, and never could get it to run right under emulation. IIRC, it required over 600K of the DOS memory. Since you only started with 640K, it was real fun having to come up with a configuration just to run it.
And yeah, Carmageddon 1 and 2 took way too much of my spare time 
Played a serious amount of Carmageddon back in the day. Burnout Paradise is hot because the crashes are spectacular. Also, it has bikes....
has anyone playyed the table top game at all?
I76 is a blast, but never got the chance to get many to play online at the same time which sucked though....
i know i would love the chance to shoot some of you just for the heck of it though.....
1/25/10 9:27 p.m.
Roadwar, Death Track (I still remember the music to that one!), the Car Wars PC game... Fun stuff.
Hey, I'm not far from you, ckosacranoid, and I haven't played the tabletop game in YEEAARS. If you want to set up another game night... I have Formula De, too. And the files for when we thought about blowing Formula De up to Matchbox size...
2/26/10 10:17 p.m.
The list of URLs below might be interesting to the automotive combat drivers here, especially fans of Activision's classic Deathtrack.
1C Publishing - Death Track: Resurrection
Good Old Games - Interstate '76 Arsenal
Remedy Entertainment - Death Rally
Seattle Washington Autoduel Team Headquarters (SWAT HQ)
SWAT HQ - Deathtrack Driver's Survival Guide
SWAT HQ - Automotive Combat Desktop Themes and Wallpapers
SWAT HQ - Burning Rubber Interstate '76 RPG
Duke wrote:
JeepinMatt wrote:
No mention of Twisted Metal? The first two were legendarily awesome, especially the 2nd.
A friend gave me his copy of Twisted Metal (Black, maybe?), and I just couldn't get into it. It was way too much driving around doing nothing, occasionally getting hit by stray fire, and then suddenly and randomly having about 2 microseconds to see, lock on, and fire at a target that was usually wailing across your path at some obtuse angle. I expected the game to be fun as hell and in reality it was just boring and frustrating.
Bah, Black wasn't that good. TM 1 and 2 were gold. That was old mid-90s PlayStation, so it might not look so impressive these days (what 90s game does?) but it was/is a great pair of games