I've always had a bit of a case of automotive ADD. I just drove something that would have me in a year newer vehicle with more room, better power to weight (1.5 sec faster to 60, 2.5 sec in 1/4 mi), similar roadholding (new car .01g better, but probably mostly tires), and a similar monthly note.
Most of you are far worse than I am, and a lot of you are damn enablers. That's why I'm not sharing details - I'm half ready to pull the trigger, and half thinking "not this E36 M3 again."
What about those of you who aren't suffering the ADD? Are you also bored with your current vehicle, and just doing a better job of living with it? Are you (and I'm hoping this is it) just doing a better job of selecting a car you'll like on the long term? Is your car just so freaking awesome, you'd have to be crazy to want a change? Are you (and I hope this isn't it) just possessed of so many cars at once, you don't have a chance to get bored?
so many vehicles, so little time
Eh. The appliance is fun, but an appliance. I do get bored with toys and appliances, but usually need a better reason to change than oooh, shiney!
I tend to keep cars a long time. I've been driving my M535i for about 20 years now, with no particular desire to replace it with anything else.
I've had my Miata for 14 years (and when I asked on this very forum if I should buy it I was told no!) but I've had my jeep for two years and would now love to sell it. I get bored with most cars but miatas are different. I sometimes get tired of them but in the same way I get tired of my self.
I tend to keep cars until I can see through the floor at the road below.. the only exception to that rule was my Volvo 850...
I got bored with my miata, so it got painted and will get a motor swap when I can afford it.
I figure as long as I have a good platform, when I get bored I have option other than buying something else.
If I could actually afford other things though, I'd probably need a dealer license for the number of cars I'd go through
8/4/16 10:16 p.m.
Too broke to have toys. I like to keep things until they die. I've had my license for 14 years and I've only had 4 cars of my own. The first three had all been totaled or scrapped when I replaced them.
8/4/16 10:50 p.m.
the only car i have that i don't want to keep for the rest of my life is my wife's leased focus. I'm fully open to new vehicles added, but not substituted for one of my current cars.
My brother is auto-ADD to the extreme. His current record is 2 week turnover for a car, and his new truck is already on the chopping block despite the remaining new car smell. We're talking 2 months old. I'm the opposite of ADD to the complete extreme. The first car i ever drove alone after getting my driver's license was a 1987 Ford Econoline. I still have that van, and it isn't going anywhere. (especially without a few more quarts of oil!)
That said, do it.
I have the want to change cars often, but cooler heads prevail after a while. Most of my cars have stuck around for about 5 years.
I say that, but I'm considering putting the S2000 up for sale after this autocross season is over.
8/5/16 6:41 a.m.
Yeah, much as I like cars, if I find one that suits my needs, I keep it until death do us part, pretty much. Too much hassle and expense in swapping around a lot. I've never owned a daily less than about 7 years, and that was a used Neon. Currently at 10+ years on my (getting shabby) 325i and it'll be 12 years for DW's TSX in October.
I tend to have hobby ADD, but not necessarily automotive. I see cars as a means to an end, rather than an end themselves. When I do get rid of a car, it's because it's not serving the purpose I need it for anymore and/or it's so beat up and worn down that it's just not worth putting the time and money into fixing it up.
mad_machine wrote:
I tend to keep cars until I can see through the floor at the road below.. the only exception to that rule was my Volvo 850...
That's just because those don't rust for E36 M3 
I'm 32 and have owned almost 20 cars.
That said, my current appliance, a 98 SL2, I've had for almost 5 years and have not modified at all. I've put ~63k boring miles on it. I'm almost bored enough with it to replace it, but I'm holding out as long as I can. Yes, my mind wanders a lot and almost daily I think "Hmmm, that car with a couple tasteful mods would be a great DD". But then I usually do the math on what it would cost to change and decide it isn't worth it.
8/5/16 8:23 a.m.
I had to actively replace my AADD with other hobbies that take less time, money, and actually the most importantly space. So I've nerding out on video games, tube amps, and woodworking. Plus my wife is back into nesting mode with our second child on the way so I'm remodeling the basement. I've stopped looking at CL every time I have a spare second at work. I shall return once we get our farmette and have the space. (Stupid one car garage)
Anyone here happy for a long time owning just one car or one car and spouse's appliance?
Mike wrote:
Anyone here happy for a long time owning just one car or one car and spouse's appliance?
I would be, if I could drive a Miata year round. But with the salt I out them away for the winter.
8/5/16 8:32 a.m.
Mike wrote:
Anyone here happy for a long time owning just one car or one car and spouse's appliance?
No, not really - I like to have the right automotive tool for each job. Which
is surprising, actually, because I dislike having single-use tools in the garage and kitchen, and I'm a jack-of-many-trades-master-of-none kind of guy myself.
I think I don't have it, but it may just be that I can't afford to have it.
I generally don't like owning a whole lot of different things though. I like to select things carefully so that I'll be happy with them for a long time. But that might be budget-driven behavior as well.
8/5/16 8:54 a.m.
One DD toaster that I keep for ten years: currently the FRS
One running toy to drive when it suits: currently a 1967 MGB GT
One long term project that entertains me: currently the MOLVO
Not going into any kind of debt for cars keeps the ADD/new car lust under control.
Mike wrote:
Anyone here happy for a long time owning just one car or one car and spouse's appliance?
Not in the least, espcially with that crap Jeep as the appliance. I'm looking to expand the fleet, but gotta take care of the work area first. 3 is usually good for me. An appliance, a playtoy, and a project.
I'm hoping to replace the jeep with something that can tow eventually, but that will also require a trailer so more expenses.
This is kinda where it goes pear shaped for me.
I pick out all of these criteria, I perform tons of research, read forums. On the last three cars, I read the owner's manual front to back (Nissan warns a frozen navigation display may result in fire) and I'm still bored at two years.
I've had three cars at once before (Taurus SHO, Miata, Samurai) and was moderately happy for a while, but my current situation makes parking more than two (mine and my wife's) vehicles a pain.
My wife is of the opinion that I cannot find a vehicle so incredibly great that I'll be happy for say, five years.
Yeah, silly problem. I have a three year old Honda with thirty thousand miles and no meaningful faults. It's all want, not need.