I knew if I took the time to look I could find something a little more awesome.
If you look closely, you'll notice that's one just landed, me reeling in, and another rod going off at the same time.
This is how days of fishing are supposed to go.
August of 2005.
During a stop in metropolis, I was surprised to find this as I usually take pictures and stay out of them.

I recently read that Guy Martin didn't get his knee down for his first year of racing. This is my fifth track day, so I'm not feeling too bad. Credit to 360 photography; I check their site incessantly after a track day so I can purchase proof that someone can make even me flirt with looking kinda cool...

On an outing from Maui with the future Mrs Ransom:
The crewmember who was taking this photo with a number of couples said "We've never had the dude kiss the whale before", to which we replied "We're from Portland..." As an aside, we did our day outing snorkeling thing with a group called Trilogy, and they were awesome. Looking forward to going back for our honeymoon!
At the finish of the 2015 Marine Corps Marathon
And on the 2017 Bike MS ride with my kid last weekend

Just a nice selfie during my cousins wedding.

GRtech inspired me.
Here is a really awesome photo to me...
This is a photo taken of a framed picture that hangs in my house.
The small picture is a very classic photo of my parents before they married. This would have been post WW2 before 1948. The actual location is unsure. Along with some professional engagements photos we had taken, my wife and I recreated the shot as best we could. We also presented my mother with a framed version like you see here.
This was done almost exactly 14 years ago. My hair is no longer that dark (but I still have a ton of it.)
More of the story: my father passed away when I was 6. My mother never remarried. He was the love of her life.
This one's more of an awesome picture of my son, but I'll take it. Photo credit to my awesome wife.

In reply to mtn:
Yes sir. Bomber charters out of Presque isle. Every year from 1980-2009 my dad went out on that boat with that captain in the summer for walleye, and fall for steelhead. I started going along around 99 I think.
He/we never got skunked on a trip, and I haven't had a better charter captain anywhere else I've been.
cmcgregor wrote:
In reply to curtis73:
That's a lot of look.
In body language, I say a mouthful.
Not that many exist of me fortunately. Here I am in my old ITA car.

This is also a few years ago.

Suiting up for my turn at the first ChumpCar race ever and the only 24-hour race held at Portland International Raceway (the neighbors killed it pretty quickly).

A few years, and pounds later, after taking a spin in a new Jaguar at the Portland Historics:

My wife jokes that I look like I am punching myself in the face. LOL
6/28/17 2:53 p.m.
Probably this screen grab of me interviewing Brian Johnson:

He kept calling me "laddie".
As promised, here is the full newborn Burrito photoshoot. It was exactly as ridiculous as I expected it to be.

In reply to Burrito:
That is the greatest thing I have seen.
In reply to Burrito:
That needs to be made into a gif