Hey guys,
I'm in a suite style dorm with this guy who does not shut the berkeley up AND 72.5% of the stuff that comes out of his mouth is awkward...bad combo. My goal is to go to class Monday, ask a cute girl for help, say I don't understand, be friends with her, then only be at my dorm in between classes or sleeping.
I'm sure you guys have had this kinda stuff before, how do I deal with him without killing him, or myself for that matter?
Did you tell him? Be upfront, friendly but blunt. We're dude's, we get that E36 M3.
Of course, if by awkward you mean vulgar and rude, then there is no hope. I have a friend who pushes the limits all the time. He's barely acceptable to take to a nice restaurant.
Dude, until you've had to call the cops 'cause your roommate went off his meds again and is alternating between talking about how he's going to kill his girlfriend and pointing out you've got pretty pink nipples, you don't have roommate problems.
1/9/11 12:18 a.m.
How "awkward" are we talking? I was an RA for a couple years, had one room with one guy who was clearly socially awkward and didn't keep up with hygiene. Pissed his roommates off. Nothing I could really do to help them, and I wasn't too worried about helping since they outnumbered him and were kinda dense stoners.
If it's a "suite", does that mean you don't actually share the room with him? Just keep your door closed and crank the stereo. And/or travel in packs so that you can completely ignore him.
It's only us two in the suite in separate rooms, his fridge and microwave are in my room, but I think he's letting me use them. Nice guy, but he is really socially awkward. I try to blatantly ignore him and he still talks to me, and I'm not even lookin at him. In groups it's kind of embarrassing to be with him b/c of his comments, then there's a solid awkward silence afterwords. After ignoring him all day he may have gotten the point and went to his room to watch football, scream at 102dbs at the TV, and punch his stuff....fine with me. I just got a nice home stereo system which will be turned up fairly loud from 1030am to 11pm. Should be fun.
also I'm fairly sure he doesn't wipe his ass judging by our toilet paper usage.
1/9/11 10:27 a.m.
In reply to Smack35:
You can do better.
Get your own fridge, microwave, stereo and lead separate lives. Purposely antagonizing someone is counter-productive and less-than-mature.
And somewhere there's an awkward guy posting on a forum, " Oh man, I've got the weirdest roommate, I think this guy's actually monitoring toilet paper usage, so I'm F-ing with him "
1/9/11 10:36 a.m.
I loved having a socially retarded/perpetually lying roomate 2 years of college, he was a great source of entertainment to me & my friends...
Thankfully he was never a threat physically, and never messed with anyone's belongings. We never were mean/harassing to him, but we did call him out time to time on absurd claims and flat out incorrect info. Everyone would come over and just interact with him, see what BS he said, the 'close talker' syndrome, lying about his sexual exploits, etc.
1/9/11 10:41 a.m.
Switch to a "clothing optional" lifestyle in your room and see if he's still hanging out there ;)
Ok...maybe not the best plan.
Two friends from school both have very strange roommates lol
they are both people they knew from town but weren't really ever friends with
One, who is from Iowa, had his debit card stolen by the roommate and used to pay for online dating services. Said roommate also reset his alarm clock so he woke up late on finals day and messed up his perfect attendance.
The other one's roommate isn't too bad, just strange. He never comes out of his room so Dylan just enjoys the tv room on his own. He said one day he was watching tv and Dylan came home and had no clue what to do, because, other than at school, that was the first time he had seen him outside of his room in 6 months. lol
They basically lead separate lives, and I guess it's working for them.
1/9/11 11:47 a.m.
Don't keep his stuff in your room. Don't be rude, but if he says something inappropriate, feel free to call him on it. Ignoring him is also a legitimate tactic.
Don't crank the stereo so loud as to be disruptive; just loud enough so that you wouldn't be able to hear him outside.
Another legitimate alternative is to listen to music on headphones.
Do you go to Kettering? We had suite style dorm rooms there, and there were a ton of socially awkward guys there.
1/9/11 12:30 p.m.
Smack35 wrote:
My goal is to go to class Monday, ask a cute girl for help, say I don't understand, be friends with her, then only be at my dorm in between classes or sleeping.
What's the problem? This looks like a fine plan to me! 
Define awkward. I mean my roommate my first year was fairly awkward and we actually ended up being good friends and he is a hell of a bar tender and has become a car guy. So you never know.
1/9/11 2:06 p.m.
Awkward isn't bad. Don't complain. As long as he's not mean or making your life difficult, just be nice. You don't have to be friends, you just have to be cordial with each other.
Some people like awkward, Thank got my wife does/did or we might never have met and married.
20 years on. 
It's time for the 'Akward Roomate' rite of passage. Later on in life this will count as some of the 'good ol' days'. 
racinginc215 wrote:
He proceeds to come home one night drunk off his ass and explains to me how you make sweet sweet love to a sheep. I started staying at my girlfriends place after that. It made me want to sleep on my back with a catchers mask on.
He weirded you out, and has the place to himself. Sounds like his plan worked quite well.
Weird, but he could be the next Bill Gates. Don't burn any bridges. 
There is a lot more to learn in college than classwork. Good life learning here. Wait until you have to deal with a guy like this at work.
GhiaMonster wrote:
Wait until you have to deal with a guy like this who's your boss.
Fixed that for ya.
Direct discussion of anything is the only way to solve anything. Period. It'll either make it better or make him hate you and never talk to you again. Either way, awkwardness over.
Get him to join a fraternity. The frat will straighten him out real fast... Or they will embrace his awkwardness and encourage it for their personal entertainment.
We're starting to see each other less, when he's home he goes into his room (my room is the main room when you walk in, he has is own) to watch TV, go on Skype and Facebook chat everybody from what I've seen. We watch TV sometimes but that is about it. My awesome plan worked. hopefully he won't be all weird if/when I bring her over.
Now when I got to bed he cranks Shots by Lil' John and some other party songs...but I'll call that one a minor issue.
1/12/11 2:53 p.m.
Smack35 wrote:
My awesome plan worked. hopefully he won't be all weird if/when I bring her over.
Now it is time to begin setting the stage for the next phase. You may have research which works best:
1) Let her know that he is weird and that you are not comfortable at your own place so, "would it be okay if I just stay here?"
2) Dont let her know he is weird so it will not ruin the chances of here staying the night.