Talk about an awkward moment. Yesterday signified 7 months of my girlfriend and I being together. Being the great guy that I am I made her favorite dinner, spaghetti. Well I had the sauce ready to go (had been on the stove for oh 4 or 5 hours) but had forgot the noodles.
Well we go to the store to pick up noodles. We are walking along and I here "No way!" come from behind me. I turn around and it was a friend of mine ( a very cute college girl) that I have not seen since last spring. She comes running up jumps on me giving me a huge hug. Girlfriend is standing right there kinda shocked with a WTF look on her face.
Took some explaining and introductions but things got smoothed over.
Just thought I would share.
Threesome? just sayin' :P
yeah i feel ya, I'm still friends with an ex of mine from high school. get's a little tense when she comes up in conversation. Or when she calls, she recently got divorced and has been calling quite a bit more to talk. My wife says she fine with us being friends, but I get the feeling sometimes that she wonders about it.
I couldn't bring myself to push post....had it typed, just couldn't go through with it... oh wait... ummm
driver109x wrote:
Threesome? just sayin' :P
The friend would be all for it (she was even commenting on how cute she thought my gf was) the girl friend not so much.
rebelgtp wrote:
driver109x wrote:
Threesome? just sayin' :P
The friend would be all for it (she was even commenting on how cute she thought my gf was) the girl friend not so much.
Solution: Thank girlfriend for her time. Substitute "girl" for "girlfriend" and keep looking.
Explain to the gf that you're a mature individual that can have a relationship with a woman, seeing her for her personality and intellect and not even think about getting in her pants. She'll respect you even more. 
914Driver wrote:
Explain to the gf that you're a mature individual that can have a relationship with a woman, seeing her for her personality and intellect and not even think about getting in her pants. She'll respect you even more.
Maybe, my wife knows horse E36 M3 when she sees it.
Your wife has been with the program longer than his girlfriend, she's still BSable. 
Wait wait wait, 7 month anniversary? Maybe a year, possibly if your really sappy you celebrate 6 monthes, but 7, oh boy your setting a dangerous precedent for yourself...
914Driver wrote:
Your wife has been with the program longer than his girlfriend, she's still BSable.
Seriously, friends and nothing more. My ex-wife cheated, I couldn't bring myself to put someone through that. Although it's friends that have been places "normal" friends have not.
12/5/09 10:52 a.m.
Spinout007 wrote:
914Driver wrote:
Your wife has been with the program longer than his girlfriend, she's still BSable.
Seriously, friends and nothing more. My ex-wife cheated, I couldn't bring myself to put someone through that. Although it's friends that have been places "normal" friends have not.
Your wife knows about this "friends, with benefits" history and she's comfortable with that.
OK, if that's what you WANT to believe.................
"I have a great deal for you on a bridge in Frisco"
joey48442 wrote:
Wait wait wait, 7 month anniversary? Maybe a year, possibly if your really sappy you celebrate 6 monthes, but 7, oh boy your setting a dangerous precedent for yourself...
No we don't do the monthly anniversary thing it was just odd that it had happened on that particular day. The dinner was more about the fact she had been wanting it for the last month and it was the first chance I had to make it.
Oh and no the girlfriend is the keeper. The other would in no way make for a good relationship, great friend to have when single but not so good for any sort of commitment.
12/6/09 12:18 a.m.
joey48442 wrote:
Wait wait wait, 7 month anniversary? Maybe a year, possibly if your really sappy you celebrate 6 monthes, but 7, oh boy your setting a dangerous precedent for yourself...
Sounds a bit too clingy/co-dependent for me to be able to stomach.
Cripes, we barely celebrated our 7 YEAR anniversary (itch, itch, itch...)
See, sometimes it pays to be a short, fat, balding man. Me and Costanza never had a problem like this.