Make lively ye scallywags, now it be time to make sail. Bound for a far shore are we, where all men fear the pirate named EactCoastMojo. Join me and I'll share my bounty with ye. Cross me and ye'll meet yer end and the end of me sword. And I expect each of ye to talk like a pirate!
Drink up me heartys! Yo ho! 
Time to lay off the hootch dude.
9/19/09 2:17 p.m.
Aye aye, Cap'n! Sound the alarm and prepare to repel boarders!
Take what ye want! Give nothin' back!
Ayee...I be already workin' on me carrrr...
Psh, amateurs:
avast ye lilly livered land lubbers!
DrBoost wrote:
Time to lay off the hootch dude.
Mojo is a wench, not a dude.
I would not normally call her a wench but alas it is pirate day, arrrrr.
9/19/09 8:23 p.m.
jrw1621 wrote:
I would not normally call her a wench but alas it is pirate day, arrrrr.
Hah! I'll call her a manxome wench!
jrw1621 said:
I would not normally call her a wench but alas it is pirate day, arrrrr.
Salanis said:
Hah! I'll call her a manxome wench!
Aye! an' she be from the colonies, I'd call her a Standard Wench!
But if she be from King George's side o' th' pond, then I be havin' tae call her a Metric Wench!
This thread is stupid. We need one for Ninjas.
If she be a loyal subject of the queen she be a Witworth Wench!
DrBoost wrote:
Time to lay off the hootch dude.
Arrrr, Matey! The scalliwags what created the holiday `er also the knaves what made the Flying Spaghetti Monster, which to keep Bonnie Charlie's scribblin's in the learnin' houses.
9/20/09 12:27 a.m.
In honor of this fine day, Steam be havin' a half-off special on "The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition". Buy it this weekend, and it be only 5 dubloons.
Apparently the "Special Edition" be the same fine classic game from when I was but a wee lad, but with new fancy pictures.