Nope, not pictures of big jugs. I'm hoping someone can reassure me.
Some history first.
My wife fell off a horse about 6 years ago (she was 15 or 16 at the time), landed wrong, broke her pelvis (left, high, back; broke the "wing" in that quadrant). Wasn't diagnosed quickly, she developed a bone cist which subsequently disintigrated, leaving a nice big hole where there should be bone. Doctors feared she had bone cancer, but once they got their diagnosis straightened out, they did surgery, performed a bone marrow transplant/implant, and bingo. She had some residual soreness following activity if she hadn't been real active (like in the springtime when she starts running again after not running all winter). Deep muscle rubs and stretching cleared the soreness up.
Until this spring, anyway. Same symptoms, but they have gotten progressively worse. VERY sore near the old incision site, and sore down her leg on the same side. She thought she could be the tough guy and work through it as before, but broke down and went to the doc on Monday. They were really concerned, got her an MRI on Tuesday (yesterday) afternoon. She called this afternoon to find out the results; they asked her to come in. Apparently, its THAT bad.
MRI showed a bone spur at the surgery site (no big surprise there), but not a particularly big one. Big enough to be a pain in the butt (pun), but not big enough to be the root cause. What they suspect is pinched nerves in the last two vertebrae due to disc protrusions resulting in narrowing of the opening through which the nerves pass. They are doing another MRI first thing tomorrow (be there at 6am) to get a better resolution of her lower back, and then they will have a better idea.
From what we've read, the long(er) term, non-band-aid solution is either a surgery to perform a nerve block or surgery to widen the openings the affected nerves pass through.
I suspect my mind is just feeding me all of the worst-case scenarios, and that this probably isn't nearly as worry worthy as I'm making it...
Sorry for the long post. Any thoughts?