As much as I would have already entertained a lot of the amusing ideas being bantered about if I was in your shoes...Remember that whatever you do to passive aggressively push his buttons, he will probably just come back at you even stronger, and is probably willing to take it farther than you too. Honestly it's probably best to focus on pushing via the laws and ordinances.
This does make me even more thankful than usual to have all of our current neighbors, and hope they all stick around for a good long time...Even the ones that can be mildly annoying sometimes.
TRoglodyte wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
I don't get it. Is he drunk?
Or just being neighborly?
I honestly don't know. I think he was trying to intimidate me. Or something?
Driven5 wrote:
As much as I would have already entertained a lot of the amusing ideas being bantered about if I was in your shoes...Remember that whatever you do to passive aggressively push his buttons, he will probably just come back at you even stronger, and is probably willing to take it farther than you too. Honestly it's probably best to focus on pushing via the laws and ordinances.
This does make me even more thankful than usual to have all of our current neighbors, and hope they all stick around for a good long time...Even the ones that can be mildly annoying sometimes.
My wife and I take turns being the "grownup" . That usually stops the revenge thoughts. He's got no job....well.his 'job' is being a jerk and stealing. He's good at his trade.
Ever hear of an author by the name of George Hayduke??
Also recommend this for the DD. . . how early in the morning do you start your commute??

Oh, if you suspect drug dealing, buy and plate a clean looking work van with bad trans or something to that effect(has to move) and tint the hell out of the windows and install a CB. Have a friend come by and sit in it for a while every day. Somebody driving by slowly in a heavily tinted CVPI detective special at random on a daily basis would probably have similar psychological impact.
is it completely unreasonable to just go over there and beat him half to death? sometimes people need a good ass-whoopin...
In reply to jmthunderbirdturbo:
Maybe in Texas, I don't think that would play out well in Oregon though.
Again. Unemployed, makong money thats not reported. Irs hates that. And im sure an audit might land him in jail, or possibly posses his home.
You need the help of a certain super hero...

But if ha can't help, go and have a chat with the local cops. Hopefully your bad neighborhood is isn't the local informant, like my bad neighbor seems to be.
In reply to phaze1todd:
Last track event I got 88db of annoying raspiness at full throttle. Hmmm
In reply to Kenny_McCormic:
Nah, you can't do that crap anymore. We're supposed to be civilized now...
Jaxmadine wrote:
Again. Unemployed, makong money thats not reported. Irs hates that. And im sure an audit might land him in jail, or possibly posses his home.
This doesn't sound like a bad idea....
12/4/13 11:24 a.m.
Find some really rough looking kids on the street. Tell them to get a job. Tell them they are lazy. Tell them his address.